Races (Cybergems)

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Some creatures derive the majority of their power from training. These are those creatures.


Cyber people.jpg

Humans are a diverse bunch of mammals, coming in a wide range of colors and facial structures. Many of them care strongly about their physical and cultural differences, and aspire to demonstrate that their breed of Humans is the best.

The dirt-poor Third World Humans are so poor that they sometimes starve to death, typically work extremely long hours for little pay, are deprived of basic amenities like plumbing and electricity, and may even be forced to share the usage of a single old (hand cranked power source) computing device with their family members, with a shoddy internet connection that takes all night to download a high-definition video. Some of them are actually illiterate, forced to use text-to-speech.

The hedonistic Middle Class Humans are proud of their extraordinary tolerance and cultural diversity.

The arrogant Fat Cat Humans are secure in the knowledge that they deserve the impressive power they possess.

Other races are jealous of the Humans' planetary dominance: Humans coat the surface of the globe like a horrific skin disease.

Base Stats
Common   —   3 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle 0     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Hacking 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  15 meter land with 1 meter jump. 3 meter swim with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 50-150 Kilograms
Race  Human



A JarBrain is a human brain in a jar, grown that way in vitro.

JarBrains require the Advanced Neural Interfaces and Genetic Programming technologies.

Base Stats
Common   —   9 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 2     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle -6     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Hacking 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  None, and it can't gain any. -3 meter sink distance.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach None
Carrying Capacity 0.15625 kilograms      Weight 2 Kilograms
Race  JarBrain
Classes  Bioport
Basic Specialties  Stubborn
Skills  Insight -2

The JarBrain has no hands, and communicates with the outside world only through a Bioport. Having grown up with muscle control and sensory processing brain centers connected directly to the internet and/or a vehicle, each JarBrain gets either +1 to Hacking, a +1 to the GD of any vehicle they drive, or +1 to Perception with a sense other than visual or auditory.

Forbidden Options

The JarBrain cannot gain augments or genomorphs other than radar vision, acid blood, water adaptation, thermophile, TEMPEST vision, reactor, neural regulator, acid spit, body electric, deathfrenzy spine, recoil compensator, integrated optics, bioelectric generator, and sonar adaptation.

Synthetic Intelligence

Synthetic Intelligences are computing devices, usually put in control of a vehicle or android form.

Base Stats

Synthetic Intelligences use one of the following forms at a time. Transferring from one form to another takes at least 1 minute.

Synthetic Intelligence.jpg

Synthetic Intelligence (Bodiless)
Common   —   5 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle -4     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0     Hacking 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Movement  None
Size  0.25 meters     Reach None
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 3-5 Kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 0
Race  Synthetic intelligence

Bodiless Synthetic Intelligences are merely large computers.

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Synthetic Intelligence (Human)
Common   —   5 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle 0     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0     Hacking 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Machine ]
Movement  15 meter land with 1 meter jump. 3 meter swim with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 60-90 Kilograms
Power Storage  1     Power Regeneration 0
Race  Synthetic intelligence

Synthetic Intelligences can inhabit the vacated skulls of human bodies, or prosthetic bodies to function as androids.

Synthetic Intelligences have a wireless connection, which may be turned on or off as a standard action. They can connect theirselves directly to systems to get +1 to Hacking, but become exposed to hacking attacks in return. This bonus to hacking does not stack with a Bioport. All of the Synthetic Intelligence's senses and body parts can be manipulated with hacking, including the organic ones.

Without the Advanced AI Technology, the Synthetic Intelligence must be micromanaged as a move action each round. On any round in which it is not micromanaged, it performs its fear response towards the last creature it attacked.

Synthetic Intelligences need to consume at least 1 power per hour in order to continue functioning.

Unique Options
Ideal Syn-Link
Elite Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Synthetic Intelligence.
♦ A creature that controls you directly through a bioport, by being an AI, or a similar method may spend actions to make you spend those actions too, using your body to do what they wish. For these actions, use their Expertise class bonuses instead of your own (aside from Ideal Syn-Link itself), and their Extras and Skills instead of your own, but use your own Specialties.

Rapid Update
Coins 200
Technologies: Advanced AI
Effects: You can exchange your Expertise classlevels for different ones with 1 minute of database access. Expertise classes that you're exchanging out are lost at the beginning of this time.
Special: Can only be used by Synthetic Intelligences.

Sapient Wombat

Sapient Wombat.png

This wombat has an enlarged cranium.

Sapient Wombats require the Genetic Programming Technology.

Base Stats
Sapient Wombat
Elite   —   24 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 2     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle -2     Accuracy  0     Save DC 6     Hacking 3
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  12 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 8 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 2.5 kilograms      Weight 10 Kilograms
Race  Sapient wombat
Classes  Special (Common Genomorph) x3, Special (Elite Genomorph) x3
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Offensive, Hacker
Advanced Specialties  Determined, Sturdy, Hacker
Extras  Small

The sapient wombat has a natural wireless connection which it can turn on or off as a lesser action, that lets them communicate directly with devices like a Bioport, giving them +1 to Hacking (this bonus does not stack with a Bioport). It also has a hypnotic voice that allows it to command dumb animals: as a standard action, it can force a living creature of less than human intelligence to make a Will Save or do as it indicates for 1 minute.

Sapient wombats are extremely smart and can speak.



Roomen were crafted by the Wombats as shock troops. Half human, half kangaroos, they were created as a cruel mockery of humanity to instill fear and loathing into the few human survivors of their initial nuclear conquest of Australia.

Base Stats
Common   —   7 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Hacking 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  17 meter land with 3 meter jump. 2 meter swim with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 60-90 Kilograms
Race  Rooman
Classes  Special (Common Genomorph) x2
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Brutal

While Running, the Rooman can jump twice as far.

Mole Person

Mole Person.jpg

Mole people certainly do not exist. But if they did, they would stand 1.2-1.5 meters tall, and have gray, brown, or black fur. Being such excellent diggers, they would have no problem collecting plenty of data on the locations of oil reserves, thereby supplying the illuminati with vast wealth in exchange for the freedom to subtly influence most of the world's governments to their own ends. In addition, their elaborate network of secret tunnels would allow them to feed the drug addictions of powerful politicians.

All this obsession with influencing human society would presumably lead some of them to shave theirselves, get plastic surgery, and trim their nails in order to live among humans secretly.

Base Stats
Mole Person
Common   —   3 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle 0     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Hacking 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  12 meter land with 1 meter jump. 2 meter swim with 5 meter sink. 4 meter burrow speed.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 50-70 Kilograms
Race  Mole person