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Monsters are a special type of creature that don't use the normal character building rules. If a monster lists a statistic, that replaces the normal value. If a monster doesn't have a fear response listed, that means you get to choose one.

Monsters can be given additional Extras as desired.

See also: Trap Monsters.




A cat is a small hairy quadruped.

Cats are not particularly smart, and can only speak Feline languages.

Common   —   1 points
AD  6     GD 4     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 3
Muscle -4     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power -2
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  10 meter land speed with 2 meter jump. 5 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 2 Kilograms

A cat only has one "hand", its mouth. They're remarkably good at falling, and take -3 damage from falls.


Twin Tails (10 points): The Cat's tail splits into two, and the skin falls from its neck. It can speak, and becomes moderately smart. It can fling its head off of its neck and then immediately retrieve it: this gives it +8 meters to its reach for actions that use its "hand". It gains one elite tier charge, which it can recharge with 30 minutes of concentration, and it knows and can cast glowing orb without a gem. It gains 5 Basic Specialties and becomes [ White ].

Attack Dog

Attack dog.png

An attack dog is a big toothy quadruped.

Attack dogs are not particularly smart, and can only speak Wolf languages.

Attack Dog
Common   —   3 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  20 meter land speed with 3 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 60 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Brutal
Extras  Strong

Attack dogs only have one "hand", their mouths, and deal 1d6 damage with unarmed attacks that use that hand (Muscle included).

The base range of their scent sense is 30 meters.


Dire (4 points): The Attack Dog gets two more Basic Specialties, and can move up to its normal non-run speed when it Tactile Searches, getting to detect things by Scent over the entire region traveled. The Attack Dog's unarmed attacks knock the target prone on a successful wound.

Man's Best Friend (4 points): The Attack Dog gets two more Basic Specialties, becomes [ Purple ], and can form a one-way telepathic bond with a creature as a standard action. That creature can project images and commands into the Attack Dog's mind as a lesser action. The telepathic bond wears off after 1 day.



A raven is a big feathery black winged creature. It has a dangerously sharp beak.

Ravens are not particularly smart, but can speak.

Common   —   3 points
AD  6     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 2
Muscle -4     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power -2
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  5 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump. 30 meter fly speed with 1 meter aerobatics. 2 meter swim speed with 2 meter sink.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Basic Specialties  Offensive, Sturdy
Extras  Small 2

The Raven deals 1d6-4 damage with Unarmed attacks (Muscle included).


The Raven may not be given Extras that increase its size.

Corpse Bird (2 points): The Raven is an [ undead ] creature. When it dies, it explodes in a bright flash of light, for a 1d6-1 Light damage attack against every creature in a 10 meter spray around itself. While in bright light, it gets a -1 penalty to Perception. The Raven gains one Basic Specialty and becomes [ White ].

Blackbird (2 points): The Raven gets +8 meters to fly speed and gains one Basic Specialty.

Third Leg (2 points): The Raven gains a third leg. This gives it +10 meters to land speed, and the ability to generate or stop generating bright light out to a distance of 30 meters. The Raven gains one Basic Specialty and becomes [ White ].

Pack Animal

Pack Animal.jpg

A pack animal is a domesticated animal, traditionally used to pull carts or plows, or ridden into battle by wealthy warriors. It has one "hand", its mouth.

Pack animals are not particularly smart, and can only speak Grassmuncher languages.

Pack Animal
Common   —   17 points
AD  4     GD 5     Will 0     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle 3     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility -1
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  37 meter land speed with 2 meter jump. 5 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 700 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Brutal, Sturdy
Extras  Big

The Pack Animal must be given exactly one or two of the following advancements:

Swift Legs (3 points): The pack animal gets +10 meters to its movement speeds, and its no-handed unarmed attacks deal an additional +2 Damage. It gains one Basic Specialty.

Heavy Horns (3 points): The pack animal gains a Heavy Muscle-Damage Gore melee weapon which deals 1d6+4 Physical damage (Muscle included) and flings creatures it hits 3 meters directly away. It gains one Basic Specialty.

Humps (3 points): The pack animal stores an additional 6000 calories of food and 10 liters of water inside its body. It also only needs to consume half as much food and water as normal. It gains one Basic Specialty.


Bug Bear.jpg

A bear is a big toothy clawed quadruped.

Bears are not particularly smart, and can only speak Bear languages.

Elite   —   30 points
AD  4     GD 6     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 6
Muscle 4     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  17 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 13 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 640 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Sturdy
Extras  Big

Bears deal 1d6+4 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).


Bugbear (10 points): The Bear gets -2 to Agility. Its Shove attacks inflict wounds. The Bear gets two more Advanced Specialties.

Expanding (5 points): The Bear gets gets +5 meters to its movement speeds. It has an Inflated state, which doubles its size and reach; toggling this state is a lesser action. The Bear gets one more Advanced Specialty, and becomes a [ Purple ] creature.

Heisenbear (20 points): The Bear becomes Paragon-tier (giving it +1 HP), becomes a [ Purple ] [ Pink ] creature, and gets one more Advanced Specialty. When it uses an action to move, it counts as occupying all spaces it could reach with its movement, allowing it to target (and be targeted) from any of those points, it could even disarm a creature in one place and drop the item in a completely different one. Its weight is distributed over the entire area it could occupy, allowing it to walk on water and other liquids with ease. At the end of each turn, the Bear's wave function collapses and it must choose one place to occupy. When the Bear Melee Guards, it can attack any target it could potentially move to, without having to move or spend movement.



A whale is a vaguely ovoid sea mammal.

Whales are not particularly smart, and can only speak Whale languages.

Paragon   —   200 points
AD  2     GD 8     Will 1     HP  7     Toughness 5
Muscle 8     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility -7
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  30 meter swim speed with 2 meter sink.
Size  8 meters     Reach 3.38 meters
Carrying Capacity 2560 kilograms      Weight 30000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable 2, Aggressive, Sturdy 2, Super-Sturdy
Extras  Big 3

Whales deal 1d6+8 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

They can hold their breaths for up to 40 minutes.


An Ogre is a tall, bipedal, hairless, creature with four radially symmetric arms sprouting from the front of its chest, capable of spinning endlessly. It has one large eye.

The ogre is moderately smart, and can only speak sign languages.

Paragon   —   127 points
AD  2     GD 6     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 7
Muscle 5     Accuracy  1     Save DC 6     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 2     Agility -2
Fear Response  Flee
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  25 meter land speed with 3 meter jump. 13 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 2.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 320 kilograms      Weight 5760 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Offensive, Well-Rounded, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable, Determined, Aggressive 2, Perceptive, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big 2

An ogre deals 1d6+2 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included). It has four hands, and can wield all four of them (possibly with weapons) without penalties for wielding multiple weapons.

As a standard action, an ogre can spin its arms incredibly fast, making two one-handed unarmed attacks against each creature in reach in a 45 degree cone, and creating a powerful wind until it next takes a standard or move action. The first 50 meters of that same 45 degree cone are strong wind pushing away from the ogre, and the next 300 meters are light wind.


Ogre Mage (20 points): The ogre mage can handle implanting one additional gem without problems (for a probable total of 2). It gets 3 elite charges, and can cast elite spells attuned to gems it has implanted in it. It gets one Advanced Specialty.

Ominous Rhyming (20 points): The base range for the ogre's scent sense increases to 30 meters, it can speak every language, and it can utter an ominous rhyme as a standard action to make all other creatures within 30 meters frightened of it. It gets one Advanced Specialty and becomes a [ Purple ] creature.



A vinebeast is a writhing mass of leafy vines.

The vinebeast is not particularly smart, and can only speak Vine languages.

Common   —   22 points
AD  4     GD 6     Will 1     HP  2     Toughness 6
Muscle 3     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility -4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  22 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 2 meter burrow speed. 10 meter swim speed with -5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 4 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 160 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Aggressive, Brutal, Sturdy
Extras  Big

The vinebeast has an essentially unlimited number of "hands", and deals 1d6+2 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

It can clamber up walls and ceilings as though they were the floor.

It cannot see.


If it gets either of the following advancements, the Vinebeast becomes Elite tier (giving it +1 HP).

Spore Cloud (10 points): As a standard action, the Vinebeast can emit a cloud of allergenic pollen in a 20 meter Muscle-Area blast (Muscle effect included). Any creature that starts its turn in the area or enters the area during the next minute takes an attack against GD from the Vinebeast, and wastes a move action sneezing if hit. The Vinebeast can only use this ability 5 times per hour. The Vinebeast gains two Advanced Specialties.

Creeping Vines (5 points): The Vinebeast's movement speeds increase by 8 meters. The Vinebeast gains an Advanced Specialty.

Mere Shrubbery (5 points): The Vinebeast can change the shape and color of its vines and leaves, disguising itself as a harmless bush with a Decent disguise as a Standard action. It stops being disguised when it moves or attacks. The Vinebeast gainst an Advanced Specialty.



A Cactoad is a sort of cross between a cactus and a toad.

The cactoad is not particularly smart, and can only speak Cactus languages.

Elite   —   26 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 2     Perception 0     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  40 meter land speed with 8 meter jump. 40 meter swim speed with -5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 20 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Well-Rounded, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Sturdy, Stealthy
Extras  Strong

Cactoads deal 1d6+1 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included), and when one is struck with an unarmed attack, the attacker takes 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included).

Cactoads have a Spine Tongue weapon with a range of 20m/100m that deals 1d6 Physical damage (Muscle included). When it successfully wounds a target with this weapon, the target is pulled adjacent to the Cactoad.

They also have a Loud Magic-Damage Muscle-Area Heavy Skull-Shattering Croak weapon, which attacks all other creatures in a 10 meter blast for 1d6 Noise damage and deafens creatures for one round per wound.


Cactode (6 points): The Cactoad's croak is as soothing as it is loud. Any creature wounded by it must make a Will save or be stunned for 1 round. The radius of its croak increases by 5 meters. It gains one Advanced Specialty and becomes a [ Pink ] creature.

Cactrodes (10 points): Certain species of Cactoad have bulbs at the ends of their spines. These Cactoads, when struck with any attack by a creature 10 meters or less away, deal 1d6+1 Electricity damage (Muscle included) to that creature. This replaces the damage for being struck by an unarmed attack that Cactoads normally deal. It gains two Advanced Specialties and becomes a [ Blue ] creature.

Enraged Cactus

Enraged cactus.png

An Enraged Cactus is a gigantic angry cactus.

The enraged cactus is not particularly smart, and can only speak Cactus languages. The enraged cactus cannot see.

Enraged Cactus
Paragon   —   260 points
AD  3     GD 7     Will 2     HP  6     Toughness 8
Muscle 6     Accuracy  4     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility -9
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  19 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 14 meter swim speed with -5 meter sink.
Size  8 meters     Reach 3.38 meters
Carrying Capacity 640 kilograms      Weight 10240 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable, Aggressive 2, Sturdy 2, Energetic, Super-Sturdy, Super-Aggressive
Extras  Big 3

An enraged cactus deals 1d6+7 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included), and when it is struck with an unarmed attack, the attacker takes 1d6+7 Physical damage (Muscle included).

The enraged cactus can lumber through the spaces of creatures smaller than itself, dealing 1d6+1 damage to any creature it moves past in this way. Even if it moves through a creature multiple times, each creature only takes damage from this once during the same turn.

Enraged cacti have a Muscle-Damage Spine Shot weapon, which deals 1d6+6 Physical damage (Muscle included) and has a range of 40m/200m.

The enraged cactus is hollow, allowing it to store many troops or supplies secretly and securely.


The Enraged Cactus cannot get Extras which add to movement speed.

If it gets any of the following advancement options, it advances to Legend tier.

Poison Needles (40 points): The Enraged Cactus causes any creature it wounds by unarmed attacks, by spine shot attacks, or by being hit by unarmed attacks to suffer as though exposed to Rage Gas. It gets one Advanced Specialty.

Longer Spines (40 points): The Enraged Cactus gets +1 meter to reach, and it deals 1d6+7 Physical damage (Muscle included) to any creature who strikes it in melee, not only if they use an unarmed attack. It gets one Advanced Specialty.

Moon Wolf

Moon Wolf.jpg

A moon wolf looks much like an attack dog, albeit with larger teeth, thicker fur, and more malevolent eyes.

Moon wolves are somewhat intelligent, and can only speak Wolf languages.

Moon Wolf
Common   —   15 points
AD  6     GD 6     Will 2     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  31 meter land speed with 3 meter jump. 21 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 65 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal
Extras  Fast

The moon wolf only has one "hand", its mouth, and deals 1d6 damage with unarmed attacks that use that hand (Muscle included). When it successfully wounds a creature, it exposes that creature to risk of infection by Moon Wolf Larvae. The Moon Wolf reverts to its host's form and mentality at sunrise, as specified by the Moon Wolf Larvae disease.

Moon Wolves do not like to attack creatures who are already infected with Moon Wolf Larvae, and can detect the taste of any of a creature's diseases when they wound that creature with an unarmed attack.


When a creature has been infected with moon wolf larvae for more than a year, it may advance to a Lampwolf. This does not allow it to remain in Lampwolf form any longer or more often than it could remain in Moon Wolf form before.

Its eyes can glow like torches (this may be turned on or off as a lesser action). By staring at a creature as a Standard action, it may force the creature to make a Will Save or lose the ability to speak any intelligible words for 1 hour.

Lampwolves are quite intelligent. They know and can speak every language.

Elite   —   45 points
AD  6     GD 6     Will 3     HP  3     Toughness 4
Muscle 2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 2     Perception 1     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ], [ Green ]
Movement  54 meter land speed with 6 meter jump. 34 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 75 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Determined, Stealthy, Perceptive, Sturdy, Aggressive
Extras  Fast

Flame Imp

Flame imp.png

A flame imp is a small, bouncy fire, which ignites the ground beneath it on fire, if that ground is flammable.

Flame imps are not particularly smart, and can only speak Infernal languages.

Flame Imp
Common   —   2 points
AD  5     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 3
Muscle -2     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth -1     Perception 0     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Living ], [ Orange ]
Movement  10 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. -20 meter sink distance.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 2.5 kilograms      Weight 0.1 kilogram
Extras  Small

Flame imps are immune to Heat damage.

They have a melee Magic-Damage Flame Touch weapon, which deals 1d6-1 Heat damage and lights creatures it would wound on fire instead.

Flame imps are so light that they can walk on liquids and other unstable surfaces. Flame imps brightly illuminate out to 10 meters.


Leaping Flames (2 points): The flame imp gets +10 meters to its movement speeds, and +1 meter to its jump distance. It gains a Basic Specialty.

Scorching Flames (2 points): The flame imp's Flame Touch attack inflicts wounds as well as lighting creatures on fire. It gains a Basic Specialty.



The gargoyle resembles a grotesque stone gorilla with impressive fangs and claws.

The gargoyle is moderately intelligent, and can speak in simple sentences. It eats by swallowing at least three non-Harmless creatures per day, and keeping those creatures swallowed for at least 24 hours.

Elite   —   27 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 1     HP  2     Toughness 7
Muscle 3     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Orange ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 3 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 15 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 1200 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Sturdy
Extras  Big

Gargoyles have two hands, and their unarmed attacks deal 1d6+3 Heat damage (Muscle included).

As a standard action AND move action, the gargoyle can harden its skin for 1 round, getting +1 to Toughness.

The gargoyle feasts on the temporal potentials of its victims: it can cast swallow whole on up to one unconscious victim per hour without needing charges.


Angel of Alacrity (10 points): If no other non-Harmless creature can see the Gargoyle, and it can see itself, it gets +30 meters to its movement speeds. When the gargoyle hardens its skin, it gets another +1 to Toughness. It gains two Advanced Specialties.

Rock Form (5 points): While the gargoyle hardens its skin, it can disguise itself as a natural boulder or a sculpture with the same volume as itself. It gains an Advanced Specialties.

Troll (8 points): The gargoyle becomes undead, and regenerates 1 HP at the end of its turn if its skin is hard. It cannot control the hardening of its skin: its skin is hard while in bright light and soft otherwise. It cannot act while its skin is hard. It gains an Advanced Specialty and becomes [ White ].



This imposing insect's six legs are splayed out in all directions, with a large head jutting out from its round, centrally located body.

Flamespitters are not particularly smart, and can only speak Bug languages.

Elite   —   25 points
AD  4     GD 6     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 3     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 8 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 600 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive
Extras  Big

The flamespitter's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+2 damage (Muscle included), and it can use up to two of its legs as "hands".

The Flamespitter has Heat Resist 1.

It has a Heavy Loud 300 meters Fiery Gout weapon that targets every creature and unattended object in a 10 meter, 90 degree conical blast for 1d6+2 Heat damage (Muscle included). Wounded targets are lit on fire.

As a Standard AND Move action, the Flamespitter can spew a glob of fire on a long, arcing trajectory, a distance of up to 1 kilometer. The glob of fire travels 250 meters per round, starting immediately, but deals -2 damage if it explodes after traveling 250 meters or less. Upon colliding with a solid or liquid surface, the glob of fire detonates, making an attack against AD for 1d6+3 Heat damage (Muscle included) at each creature and unattended object within a 10 meter blast. The glob of fire lights wounded targets on fire. The detonation is audible from 1000 meters away. Firing globs of fire is inaccurate, and each glob misses by 2d6 meters in a random direction.


Water Strider (10 points): The Flamespitter's sink distance decreases by 50 meters. It gets +10 meters to its movement speeds. It gains two Advanced Specialties.

Minelayer (10 points): The Flamespitter can deposit globs of fire on the ground, for the same action and detonation properties as its glob-shooting ability, without the damage penalty for not traveling far. They explode when dealt 3 or more points of damage, or when the Flamespitter lays three more globs after this one, whichever comes first. It gains two Advanced Specialties.



A close relative of the flame imp, the sukuya is a winged fireball that eats creatures' insides and inhabits their skins.

Sukuyae are quite smart, and can speak, but only while inhabiting a creature's skin.

Elite   —   25 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 4
Muscle 0     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 1
Stealth 2     Perception 0     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Living ], [ Orange ]
Movement  In Skin: As original creature or 25 meters, whichever is less for each movement mode Out of Skin: 50 meter fly speed with 10 meter aerobatics.
Size  In Skin: As original creature Out of Skin: 2 meters     Reach In Skin: As original creature Out of Skin: 4 meters
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 10 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Stealthy
Extras  Quick

While inside a creature's skin, it has as many hands as that creature did, and deals normal damage with unarmed attacks.

When it abandons the skin to fly around as a fireball, however, it has one "hand", its mouth, and deals 1d6+1 Heat damage with unarmed attacks (Magic Power included, its fireball form Unarmed attacks are Magic-Damage rather than Muscle-Damage). If it successfully kills a creature using its fireball form unarmed attack, it consumes that creature's flesh and inhabits its skin or husk.

In fireball form, it also has a Magic-Damage Muscle-Area Fiery Breath weapon, which deals 1d6 Heat damage (Magic Power included), targeting all creatures and unattended objects in a 90 degree, 5 meter cone and lighting wounded targets on fire.

While wearing a creature's skin or husk, it seems very much like that creature, as a Decent disguise. Aside from entering a creature's skin by attacking it, it can also return to a skin it has previously left, if that skin has not been destroyed or salted. It dies if it goes without inhabiting a creature's skin for at least 10 hours during a 2 day period. Leaving a skin takes a Standard AND Move action.

The sukuya is immune to Heat damage.


Counting Mastery (5 points): The Sukuya can instantly count any quantity it can see clearly merely by looking at it. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Instant Familiarity (10 points): When the Sukuya touches a creature while in a skin, that creature must make a Will Save or become convinced that the Sukuya really is the creature whose skin it is wearing, no matter how badly the Sukuya fails to act like the skinned creature. This effect only ends if the Sukuya leaves the skin. No creature can be forced to make this save more than once for every skin. The Sukuya gains two Advanced Specialties and becomes [ Pink ].

Explosive Charger

Explosive charger.png

An explosive charger is a sort of hunched-over rhinoceros creature with spines all down its back.

Explosive chargers are not particularly smart, and can only speak Grassmuncher languages.

Explosive Charger
Paragon   —   140 points
AD  4     GD 7     Will 1     HP  5     Toughness 6
Muscle 6     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 1
Stealth 2     Perception 1     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Orange ]
Movement  50 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 15 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 3 meters
Carrying Capacity 640 kilograms      Weight 5760 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable 2, Aggressive 2, Stealthy, Perceptive, Sturdy
Extras  Big 2, Might & Magic 1

An explosive charger has one "hand", its mouth, and deals 1d6+6 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

It has a Loud Magic-Damage Muscle-Area Explosion attack, which deals 1d6+1 Heat damage (Magic Power included), and targets all other creatures in a 12 meter blast (Muscle included).

When it rushes, it may travel in a straight line, without need for a floor.

When it Runs with any speed that would normally double while running, its speed is tripled instead.


Mole Heritage (30 points): The Explosive Charger gains a 25 meter burrow speed. Its Explosion attack flings creatures away from itself 2 meters per wound. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Aquatic (15 points): The Explosive Charger's swim speed increases by 50 meters, and all of its other speeds increase by 15 meters. It does not need to breathe. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Hover (30 points): As an immediate action, the Explosive Charger can fix its position, becoming stuck. It cannot be moved by gravity, movement speeds, flinging, or inertia. This effect ends when it rushes. It gains an Advanced Specialty and becomes [ Pink ].

Time Roach

Time roach.png

This hideous insect seems perfectly still; even when walking there are no intermediate motions.

Because of their tendency to show up and wreak havoc when people cast rewind, the ignorant sometimes claim that Time Roaches are some sort of divine punishment for interfering with the natural order of time. The more astute recognize that a few Time Roaches can be very helpful when attempting to alter the past.

Time Roaches are not particularly smart, and can only speak Bug languages.

Time Roach
Paragon   —   110 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 6
Muscle 3     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 3     Perception 2     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Orange ]
Movement  45 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 600 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Energetic
Advanced Specialties  Determined, Aggressive, Stealthy 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big

The time roach's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+3 damage (Muscle included), and it can use its vicious mandibles as a "hand".

It cannot see or hear, but it has a thermosympathetic sense.

When someone begins a [ time ] effect, the Time Roach can detect and pinpoint the initiator if they are sufficiently close: 50 meters for common spells and non-spell effects, 200 meters for elite spells, 800 meters for paragon spells, and 3200 meters for legend spells.

The Time Roach counts as a person capable of casting rewind for effects that care, even though it can't actually cast rewind.

Because it actually stops time whenever it moves, it can move over liquids and surfaces that cannot support its weight, although it falls if it ends an action on such a surface.


Time Eater (20 points): When the Time Roach kills a creature, it may immediately make another attack. It gets +10 meters to its movement speeds. The Time Roach gains an Advanced Specialty.

Chronological Concentration (20 points): As a Standard AND Move action, the Time Roach can take an extra move action on its next turn. It cannot be detected by any means during that move action. The Time Roach gains an Advanced Specialty.



A dragon is a sort of bright orange winged lizard with impressively strong scales.

Dragons are quite smart, but can only speak Draconic languages.

Legend   —   433 points
AD  3     GD 8     Will 3     HP  5     Toughness 11
Muscle 8     Accuracy  1     Save DC 7     Magic Power 1
Stealth -1     Perception 3     Agility -7
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Orange ]
Movement  21 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 5 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink. 45 meter fly speed with 9 meter aerobatics.
Size  8 meters     Reach 3.38 meters
Carrying Capacity 2560 kilograms      Weight 35840 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable 2, Determined, Aggressive 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 3, Super-Sturdy
Extras  Big 3, Might & Magic

The dragon's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+8 damage (Muscle included) and make the target disappear completely for a number of rounds equal to the number of wounds inflicted (This is a [ Time ] effect).

The two beady eyes of a dragon are orange gems. Dragons cannot see visually, but have a Thermosympathetic sense.

Dragons have Heat Resist 2 and Cold Resist 1.

As a standard action, the Dragon can breathe an exploding ball of fire at a targeted surface up to 100 meters away, where it explodes in a 40 meter radius blast (Muscle-Area included), inflicting a ranged Magic-Damage attack against AD that deals 1d6 Heat damage (Magic Power included) on each creature or unattended object in the area. The explosion is audible from 1000 meters away.


Conical Breath (100 points): As a standard action the Dragon can breathe a 90 degree cone, 100 meter blast of fire (Muscle-Area included), for ranged Magic-Damage attacks against AD that deal 1d6 Heat damage (Magic Power included) to every creature and unattended object in the area. The whoosh of flames is audible from 300 meters away. The blast radius of the Dragon's exploding ball of fire breath increases by 5 meters (before doublings; with 8 Muscle that's 20 meters). Its movement speeds increase by 15 meters. It gets an Advanced Specialty.

Magmatic (100 points): The Dragon is partially made of lava. This makes it immune to Heat damage. When it suffers any wounds, one cubic meter of lava falls from it for each wound. When slain, it explodes in a shower of flame, making a 1d6-1 Heat damage (Magic Power included) attack against each creature and unattended object in a 100 meter spray; wounded creatures are also lit on fire. It gets an Advanced Specialty.

Temporally Dominant (200 points): When a creature within 100 meters would be targeted by a [ Time ] effect, the Dragon may choose to also be affected. When the Dragon would be targeted by a [ Time ] effect, the Dragon may choose not to be affected. As a lesser action, the Dragon may take a move action, but get a -1 penalty to Toughness for one round. It gets an Advanced Specialty.

Young Dragon

Adolescent dragons (up to 17 years old) are flightless.

Young dragons are quite smart, but fairly ignorant, and can only speak Draconic languages.

Young Dragon
Elite   —   45 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 4     HP  3     Toughness 6
Muscle 2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Orange ]
Movement  25 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 15 meter swim speed with 2 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 560 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable, Determined, Sturdy
Extras  Big

Young dragon's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+1 damage (Muscle included) and make the target disappear completely for a number of rounds equal to the number of wounds inflicted (This is a [ Time ] effect).

The two beady eyes of a young dragon are not yet gems, but still give them a Thermosympathetic sense rather than a visual one.

Young dragons have Heat Resist 1.

As a standard action, an adolescent dragon can snort an explosion of fire, inflicting a Loud Magic-Damage attack against AD for 1d6-1 Heat damage on each other creature and unattended object within a 20 meter Muscle-Area blast from itself.

Infernal Prophet

Infernal Prophet.png

An infernal prophet is a flaming skeleton, which burns nothing. When the last of a species dies, it becomes an infernal prophet and goes back a hundred years, where it has one day to communicate with anyone it can find before burning out. Even if the species would still die out, no more infernal prophets are created until at least a hundred years after the time this one came back from.

Infernal Prophet
Common   —   16 points
AD  6     GD 0     Will 1     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle -6     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ Orange ], [ White ]
Movement  22 meter land speed with 3 meter jump. 22 meter fly speed with 1 meter aerobatics. 8 meter teleport speed.
Size  As creature     Reach As creature
Carrying Capacity 0.15625 kilograms      Weight None
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Sturdy
Extras  Quick
Skills  As creature

Mechanized Titan

Mechanized Titan.jpg

A mechanized titan is a 5 meter tall machine, built of salt, bone, and golden tubes, with has massive skulls for hands.

Mechanized titans can only speak Machine languages, and are not particularly intelligent, fighting zealously for whichever master has been feeding it its diet of bones the most during this week.

Mechanized Titan
Paragon   —   90 points
AD  6     GD 6     Will 1     HP  5     Toughness 6
Muscle 4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 1
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Machine ], [ Orange ], [ White ]
Movement  45 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 15 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 800 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Ungrabbable, Aggressive 2, Might & Magic, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big

The mechanized titan's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+2 damage (Muscle included) and fling each wounded creature 2 meters in the direction of the mechanized titan's choice.

It has two Heavy Magic-Damage Light Beam weapons, which attack everything in a 1 meter wide, 300 meter long cylindrical beam spray against AD for 1d6+1 Light damage (Magic Power included), blinding any wounded targets for 2 rounds.

The mechanized titan can cast fire breath as a standard action without a charge or gem, but the cone is 30 meters long (after Muscle).


Dreadnaught Weapons (20 points): The Mechanized Titan's unarmed attacks and fire breath fling wounded creatures 6 additional meters per wound, and its Light Beams get +2 Demolition. It gains one Advanced Specialty.

Detachable Skulls (40 points): The Mechanized Titan's massive skull hands can detach and fly around with 35 meter fly speeds and 4 meter aerobatics distance. Despite not being attached directly to the Mechanized Titan, they are targeted as the same creature. They cannot attack while more than 20 meters away from the Mechanized Titan. The Mechanized Titan gains two Advanced Specialties.

Thought Parrot


A thought parrot is a brightly colored parrot with a purple head and piercingly intelligent eyes.

Thought parrots are moderately smart, can speak, and know every language.

Thought Parrot
Common   —   7 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 2
Muscle -4     Accuracy  0     Save DC 5     Magic Power -1
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ]
Movement  2 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump. 25 meter fly speed with 2 meter aerobatics. 2 meter swim speed with 2 meter sink.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Offensive, Powerful
Extras  Small 2

The thought parrot speaks by projecting words directly into the heads of creatures within 50 meters: it must be aware of a creature in order to speak to it, and can only communicate with up to five creatures per round.

As a standard action, the thought parrot can forcefully project extremely inane words into the mind of a creature it can speak to: the creature must make a Will Save or take 1d6-1 Mind damage (Magic Power included).

It gets Demolition +1.


Improved Conversation (2 points): The range of the thought parrot's word projection increases by 25 meters. Immediately after receiving a message, a creature may use a Lesser action to send a one-word return message to the thought parrot. The Thought Parrot gains a Basic Specialty.

Persistent Thought (3 points): The thought parrot, can, as a Lesser action, project words at a specified point within the range it can project thoughts. Any creature who intersects that point during the next hour hears those words. Also, whenever the parrot's inane words attack inflicts a wound on a creature, that creature takes 1d6-1 Mind damage again (Magic Power included) at the end of its next turn, repeating every round until it fails to wound. The Thought Parrot gains a Basic Specialty.

Spined Hyena

Spined Hyena.jpg

A spined hyena is a big toothy quadruped with a long row of spines down its back.

Spined hyenas are moderately smart, can speak in the voice of any creature they have heard in the past 24 hours, and know every language. They survive on an organic diet of half the normal size, but can only digest brains; thus, they are often found digging up the corpses of large-brained creatures.

Spined Hyena
Common   —   13 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 6 meter jump. 20 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 70 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Extras  Hopper

The spined hyena only has one "hand", its mouth, and deals 1d6 damage with unarmed attacks that use that hand (Muscle included).

The spines on its back can be plunged into any surface as a lesser action, and retracted as an immediate action, allowing it to potentially hang from ceilings in wait for prey.


If it gets either of the following advancements, the Spined Hyena becomes Elite tier (giving it +1 HP).

Leucrota (10 points): The Spined Hyena gets +20 meters to its movement speeds. Its mouth widens to reach its ears, and it inflicts actual wounds when it grapples or disarms. It gains two Advanced Specialties.

Voice Suppression (5 points): Other creatures within twice the reach of the Spined Hyena cannot speak or make other vocalizations. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Warp Tiger

Warp tiger with flexible bones.jpg

This tiger has purple and black stripes.

Warp tigers are not particularly smart, can speak, and know every language. Warp tigers frequently team together with thought parrots.

Warp Tiger
Elite   —   32 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  2     Toughness 5
Muscle 3     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ]
Movement  49 meter land speed with 6 meter jump. 49 meter teleport speed. 49 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 500 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Well-Rounded, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Avoider
Extras  Big

The warp tiger's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+3 damage and an additional +1 damage when charging (Muscle included). Its acute sense of space lets it detect and pinpoint any extradimensional space with an entry point within 50 meters.


Controlled Run (5 points): When running with its teleport speed, instead of randomly going to one of the three chosen places, it randomly determines one of the three places that it can't go, and teleports to one of the other two. When running with any other speed, it may turn once. The Warp Tiger gets an Advanced Specialty.

Rending Claws (5 points): When the Warp Tiger makes an unarmed attack as a heavy attack, and inflicts any wounds, the wounded creature gets a -1 penalty to Toughness for 1 minute. The Warp Tiger gets an Advanced Specialty.

Warpichore (10 points): The Warp Tiger gains a spiked tail, which serves as a Teleporting Tail weapon: it makes melee attacks through portals against targets up to 50 meters away, and deals 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included). The Warp Tiger gets two Advanced Specialties.

Sound Mole

Sound Mole.jpg

The sound mole is an unusually large mole with small purple eyes.

Sound moles are not particularly smart, can speak, and know every language.

Sound Mole
Elite   —   41 points
AD  6     GD 6     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 1
Stealth 2     Perception 1     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ]
Movement  40 meter land speed with 1 meter jump distance. 40 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink distance. 80 meter burrow speed.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 90 kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Aggressive, Sturdy, Stealthy, Perceptive
Extras  Quick, Might & Magic

Sound moles can use their two ferocious frontal digging claws as "hands", dealing 1d6+1 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

It can also let loose with a Loud Heavy Magic-Damage Muscle-Area Shout attack, which makes an attack for 1d6-1 Noise damage (Magic Power included) against each creature or unattended object in a 90 degree 50 meter conical blast; creatures wounded by the Shout are flung back 2 meters per wound.

Sound moles can only see one-quarter as far as normal due to their exceptionally poor eyesight.


If it gets either of the following advancements, the Sound Mole becomes Paragon tier (giving it +1 HP).

Displacer Beast (20 points): By speaking in a calm drone as a Standard AND Move action, the sound mole can swap positions with the contents of a region that's the same size within 60 meters. If a creature is in that space, it may make a Will Save. If any creature in the region succeeds on the Will Save, the effect is canceled; otherwise, all creatures and unattended objects in the region teleport to the sound mole's location, while the sound mole simultaneously teleports to the region. The sound mole gains an Advanced Specialty.

Brain Delver (20 points): The sound mole becomes moderately intelligent. When the sound mole successfully wounds a creature with an unarmed attack, it may force the creature to lose one class level of that creature's tier, if it has any, as well as the corresponding number of specialties and reduction in point cost. The creature chooses which class level and specialties to lose, and may later relearn the same or a different class level in its place, no sooner than one hour after being brain delved. The sound mole gains an Advanced Specialty.

Giant Crab

Giant crab a.jpg

The giant crab is an unusually large reddish crustacean with the head of a bull.

Giant crabs are moderately smart, can speak, and know every language.

Giant Crab
Elite   —   73 points
AD  3     GD 6     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 7
Muscle 5     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility -4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ]
Movement  55 meter land speed with 4 meter jump distance. 40 meter swim speed with 10 meter sink distance.
Size  4 meters     Reach 2.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 320 kilograms      Weight 5120 kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Sturdy, Brutal, Offensive
Advanced Specialties  Perceptive, Sturdy
Extras  Big 2

Giant crabs can use their two enormous claws as "hands", dealing 1d6+5 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

Twice per day, it can lay an egg on a creature it is grappling as a standard action: the egg has Toughness 8 and 1 HP, weighs 10 kilograms, and is affixed so tightly to the creature that it can't be removed except by destroying it. Each round, the egg doubles in mass, until it weighs as much as a giant crab after 9 rounds. The egg continues to weigh that much until it hatches a week later. For every egg the giant crab lays, it needs to eat another day's worth of food.


Thought Eggs (15 points): The eggs laid by the giant crab exist only in the mind of the creature they are laid on. That creature acts as though it is encumbered by a real egg, but the egg can't be destroyed because it is mostly imaginary: rather, the creature must concentrate for 1 round to make a Will Save to disbelieve the egg. The egg still hatches into a real Giant Crab after a week, despite its previously mental nature, but time spent dead does not count for incubation. The Giant Crab gets three additional Advanced Specialties.

Living Idea

Living Idea.png

The living idea has no physical form; rather, it is a thought that lives on in the mind of one creature at a time.

The living idea is quite intelligent, can speak, and knows every language. It does not need to eat.

Living Idea
Paragon   —   85 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 4     HP  N/A     Toughness N/A
Accuracy  3     Save DC 7     Magic Power 1
Stealth 3     Perception 3     Agility 5
Descriptors  [ Living ], [ Purple ]
Movement  N/A
Size  N/A     Reach N/A
Weight N/A
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Well-Rounded, Powerful
Advanced Specialties  Determined 2, Aggressive 2, Stealthy 2, Perceptive 2
Extras  Quick

The living idea can perceive using that creature's senses, with its own Perception. Spells that force a Will Save may target the living idea instead of the host, if the caster so desires.

If the living idea's current host comes into contact with another creature (through an unarmed attack or a melee spell that requires an attack roll, for example), the living idea can use an immediate action to force the touched creature to make a Will save. If it fails the save, the living idea is transferred to that creature.

The living idea can choose to obscure, disguise, or fabricate all sensory data about one creature from the host, and changing which creature to obscure takes a standard action. Obscuring a creature consists of making that creature undetectable. Disguising a creature consists of changing its appearance (both visual and thermosympathetic), the sounds it makes, and its scent. Fabricating a creature consists of generating a false, potentially animated image of a creature in an unoccupied location, with sound and smell as well. Any of these falsehoods may be detected as though they were bluffs.

The living idea's current host can choose to give over control of its body to the living idea, by specifying an amount of time, from 1 to 15 minutes, in advance, as a standard action. During that time, the living idea's AD, GD, Accuracy, Stealth, Perception, Magic Power, Agility, and skills are used instead of the host's own, and the host acts on the living idea's turn, using the living idea's actions.

If the living idea remains in a dead host for one hour or more, it dies.


Voice of Insinuation (20 points): As a standard action, the Living Idea can force its host to spend a lesser action speaking a phrase of the Living Idea's choice. One creature who can hear this phrase of the Living Idea's choice must make a Will Save or have the Living Idea transfer into its mind. The Living Idea gains an Advanced Specialty.

Battlefield of the Mind (50 points): The Living Idea possesses a convex extradimensional space with no entry points, totaling 30000 cubic meters in volume. When the Living Idea would transfer itself to another host, it may instead force that new creature to teleport into the extradimensional space: the creature chooses where in the space it arrives. Any creature in this extradimensional space can teleport to an open region within 2 meters of the Living Idea's host by taking a standard action to think and succeed on a Will Save with +2 to the DC. A creature that escapes the extradimensional space in this way can't be forced back into it for 24 hours.

The Living Idea detects everything inside its extradimensional space, but cannot transfer itself to the mind of a creature in the space. If there are no creatures inside its extradimensional space, it may reshape the space with 24 hours of concentration.
The Living Idea gains two Advanced Specialties.

Island Turtle

Island turtle.jpg

This floating reptile is approximately the size of a small island.

Island turtles are moderately smart, can speak, and know every language.

Island Turtle
Legend   —   516 points
AD  1     GD 6     Will 4     HP  7     Toughness 11
Muscle 14     Accuracy  1     Save DC 8     Magic Power 0
Stealth -2     Perception 0     Agility -11
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ]
Movement  17 meter land speed with 5 meter jump. 67 meter teleport speed. 42 meter swim speed with -7 meter sink.
Size  64 meters     Reach 11.39 meters
Carrying Capacity 163840 kilograms      Weight 23600000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Determined 3, Aggressive 2, Sturdy 3, Super-Aggressive, Super-Sturdy
Extras  Big 4

The island turtle has one "hand", its beak, and deals 1d6+14 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

The size of the island turtle is partially derived from magics that prevent it from being affected by resize creature.

Pits and craters in its shell are ideal for the growth of dirt; by tucking its head and limbs into its shell as a move action, it can disguise itself as an island (a floating one, when viewed from underwater) with a Decent Disguise. It can't move, attack, or see until it pokes its head and limbs out again as another move action.

Creatures that touch the island turtle or objects on it must succeed on a Will Save or perceive whatever the island turtle wants them to until they stop touching the island turtle or any objects on it. The island turtle cannot make a creature perceive something neither the turtle nor the creature can imagine. If the island turtle attempts to abruptly change a creature's experience (to make its allies look like its enemies, for example), the sudden shift in perception stuns the creature for 1 round. Creatures only need to make at most one save against this effect per round, no matter how many times the island turtle touches and stops touching them.


Fold Space (50 points): With two rounds of concentration, the Island Turtle can teleport to a place it has been to before. While concentrating in this way, voices can be heard at the target location from up to 300 meters away, speaking "it comes!" in dozens of languages. The Island Turtle also gets +25 meters to teleport speed. The Island Turtle gains an Advanced Specialty.

Voice of Banishing (50 points): As a standard action, the Island Turtle can speak a word which forces all creatures who can hear it within 300 meters to make a Will Save or be teleported 75 meters directly away from the Island Turtle. The Island Turtle gains an Advanced Specialty.

Extradimensional Cephalopod

Extradimensional Cephalopod.jpg

The extradimensional cephalopod is some sort of aquatic invertebrate, with eight thick purple tentacles, each of which has a purple gem on the end.

Extradimensional cephalopods are quite smart, can speak, and know every language.

Extradimensional Cephalopod Tentacle
Elite   —   30 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 1     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  Remains connected to body; when severed, has a 5 meter land speed with 5 meter jump distance, and a 5 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 5 meters
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 80 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Perceptive, Sturdy
Extras  Quick

The tentacles' unarmed attacks deal 1d6+2 damage (Muscle included), and can inflict wounds when used to make Grapple attacks.

Extradimensional Cephalopod Body
Paragon   —   148 points
AD  4     GD 6     Will 4     HP  5     Toughness 7
Muscle 4     Accuracy  0     Save DC 7     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 4     Agility -3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  2 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 0 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 5120 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Determined 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 2, Super-Perceptive
Extras  Big 2

The body itself remains inside a watery extradimensional space, with only its tentacles protruding, from eight eternally open entry points. Each entry point is a 1 meter radius circle, always aligned so that the water does not pour out, with an indestructible back. The body can teleport each entry point 150 meters as a standard action. If a tentacle's purple gem is removed, its entry point closes, and the tentacle is severed, although it can act on its own.


All Cephalopod tentacles must receive the same advancements.

Leaptopus (10 points per tentacle): When the Extradimensional Cephalopod teleports its entry points, it may teleport each entry point up to 150 meters away from the location of any other of its entry points. The tentacles receive two Advanced Specialties.

Brain Grapple (50 points): As a standard action, the Extradimensional Cephalopod Body can force each other creature within its extradimensional space to make a Will save or have the Extradimensional Cephalopod control every word the creature sees, hears, or speaks (the Extradimensional Cephalopod senses each word and may choose alterations immediately). This is a bound effect, and the Extradimensional Cephalopod can only have six creatures bound in this way at a time. The body gains two Advanced Specialties.

Happy Bunny

Happy bunny.png

A Happy Bunny is a small long-eared mammalian creature with a perpetual grin. It eats and generates joy.

Happy Bunnies are not particularly smart, and can only speak Grassmuncher languages. It starves if it doesn't eat the joy of creatures at least three times per day.

Happy Bunny
Common   —   11 points
AD  7     GD 6     Will 2     HP  1     Toughness 3
Muscle -2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power -1
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 1
Fear Response  Flee
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Pink ]
Movement  20 meter land speed with 4 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 2.5 kilograms      Weight 8 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive
Extras  Small

By staring deeply into the eyes of a creature as a standard action, the Happy Bunny can attempt to drain all happiness from it. If the victim fails a Will save the victim's ability to feel happiness is devoured: the creature becomes immune to [ Joy ] effects for 1 hour. This [ Joy ] immunity is bound to the Happy Bunny. The sudden cessation of happiness stuns the creature until the end of the current turn. The Happy Bunny can only use this ability on a creature who it can see and who can see it.


If it gets either of the following advancements, the Happy Bunny becomes Elite tier (giving it +1 HP).

Great Despair (5 points): The sudden cessation of happiness from its stare ability stuns for 1 round. The Happy Bunny gains an Advanced Specialties.

Hopper (5 points): The Happy Bunny gets +6 meters to jump distance, +5 meters to its movement speeds, +1 damage with unarmed attacks. The Happy Bunny gains an Advanced Specialties.

Link Elephant

Link elephant.png

A Link Elephant is a large, plodding quadruped with a prehensile nose, which functions as its one "hand".

Link Elephants are not particularly smart, and can only speak Grassmuncher languages.

Link Elephant
Elite   —   67 points
AD  3     GD 5     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 6
Muscle 6     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility -4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Pink ]
Movement  25 meter land speed with 0.2 meter jump. 15 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  6 meters     Reach 2.75 meters
Carrying Capacity 640 kilograms      Weight 6000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Sturdy
Extras  Big 2

A link elephant has a special Muscle-Damage Trunk Link weapon, which deals 1d6+5 Physical damage (Muscle included), and any creature wounded by it is linked to the elephant for 3 rounds: while linked, whenever the Link Elephant is wounded, each linked creature is flung 3 meters away from the elephant per wound.

The Link Elephant can lumber through the spaces of creatures smaller than itself, dealing 1d6-1 damage to any creature it moves past in this way. Even if the Link Elephant moves through a creature multiple times, each creature only takes damage from this once during the same turn.

As an immediate action, when another creature within 4 meters would be healed by a healing effect, the Link Elephant can make that creature take that many wounds instead; or when another creature within 4 meters would be wounded by a damaging effect, the Link Elephant can make that creature heal that many wounds instead.


Controlled Fling (10 points): When the Link Elephant would fling a creature for any reason, it may choose the direction. It gains two Advanced Specialties.

Emotion Dance (10 points): As a standard action, the Link Elephant can stomp to establish a mood for all who hear it (it's audible from 300 meters away). A fear mood is frightening, a war mood gives +1 to Accuracy for 1 round, a soothing mood lets each creature attempt to recover from their fear. If a creature has been affected by an Emotion Dance less than one round earlier, the Emotion Dance does not affect them. The Link Elephant gains two Advanced Specialties.



A Scaredy-Cat is a small feline creature with large, wide eyes. It eats and emanates fear.

Scaredy-Cats are not particularly smart, and can only speak Feline languages. It starves if it doesn't eat the fear of creatures at least three times per day.

Elite   —   29 points
AD  7     GD 6     Will 3     HP  3     Toughness 3
Muscle 0     Accuracy  1     Save DC 6     Magic Power -1
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 5
Fear Response  Flee
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  40 meter land speed with 4 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 8 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Brutal, Offensive
Advanced Specialties  Determined, Aggressive, Sturdy
Extras  Small

At the end of each of its turns, creatures within 10 meters find the Scaredy-Cat Frightening, and it finds them Frightening as well.

Its unarmed attacks deal 1d6-1 damage (Muscle included), and on a successful wound the victim's ability to feel fear is devoured: the creature becomes immune to [ Fear ] effects for 1 hour, and the range of the Scaredy-Cat's fear aura increases by 10 meters for 1 round if that creature wasn't already immune to [ Fear ]. This [ Fear ] immunity is bound to the Scaredy-Cat.


Feedback (5 points): When the immunity to [ Fear ] effects granted by the Scaredy-Cat ends, that creature finds the Scaredy-Cat Frightening. The Scaredy-Cat gets an Advanced Specialty.

Purr (5 points): As a standard action, the Scaredy-Cat can suppress its fear aura for 1 round. The Scaredy-Cat gets an Advanced Specialty.



A genie is a 4 meter tall pink humanoid, with a wispy tail instead of legs.

Genies are quite smart, and often know several languages. They are also immortal, spontaneously generated when large populations share a single strong desire. Genies survive on a diet of souls rather than organic material.

Paragon   —   70 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 3     HP  5     Toughness 5
Muscle 2     Accuracy  4     Save DC 6     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Pink ]
Movement  50 meter fly speed with 5 meter aerobatics. 25 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 520 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Determined, Aggressive 2, Sturdy, Super-Aggressive
Extras  Big

Genies have two Magic-Damage Link Fist weapons, which deal 1d6+2 Physical damage and link wounded creatures together in the Genie's Network for 1 round per wound. Whenever a creature in the Network suffers from a damage roll for a reason other than the Network, each other creature in the Network suffers from the same damage roll minus 2.

As a standard action, it can force a target it can see within 75 meters to make a Will Save or spend a move action on its next turn moving as close to the Genie as possible.

By touching an unconscious character continuously for one minute, the Genie may implant a wish in that character's mind. The character now wishes that thing more than anything else in the world. If the character gets their wish, they are no longer obsessed with it. Genies like to implant wishes in characters before letting them go, so they don't make very good jailors. Each genie has a particular favorite wish.


Lichdom (35 points): The Genie is [ Undead ], and gets -1 Perception while exposed to bright light. By touching a dead character as a standard action attack against AD, the character is reanimated with the Revenant class and a fresh Soul that wants nothing other than the Genie's choice of wish. The character serves the Genie willingly as a member of its party, unless its existence causes its party to go over the point limit, in which case it immediately leaves the party and spends the next hour running away. The Genie gains two Advanced Specialties and becomes [ White ].

Ascension (30 points): If a creature granted a wish by this genie gets its wish after more than a year, it transforms into a Genie. The Genie's aerobatics distance decreases by 3 meters. The Genie gains two Advanced Specialties.



A nozricene is a large spherical head with extraordinarily expressive facial muscles, and a pair of large muscular arms sticking out from just below the ears. It is most remarkable for the immense soul it possesses; an individual nozricene has more soul than an entire village of humans, meaning that a nozricene who eats people typically gains more joy from eating a person than that person experiences in their entire life.

Nozricenes are quite smart, and know several languages. Nozricenes survive on a diet of souls rather than organic material.

Legend   —   285 points
AD  6     GD 8     Will 7     HP  6     Toughness 6
Muscle 0     Accuracy  1     Save DC 10     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Pink ]
Movement  91 meter land speed with 10 meter jump distance. 91 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 80 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable 2, Determined 3, Sturdy 3, Super-Determined 2
Extras  Fast

The nozricene uses its arms to move, and therefore can't use its hands during any turn in which it uses a land, swim, or burrow speed.

The songs of a nozricene are so beautiful, all non-nozricenes who clearly hear their song (it can be faintly heard from 300 meters away, and clearly heard from 60 meters away) while the nozricene is concentrating on singing it must make a Will Save with -1 to the DC each round or be stunned with sadness for that round.


Advanced Empathy (50 points): The Nozricene can Scan for Souls as a Standard action, locating all souls within 300 meters and identifying the Tier of each one.

It also gets +2 to Insight to determine what a creature wants, and an Advanced Specialty.

Immolator (50 points): The Nozricene can burn things extremely well. It gains a Magic-Damage Fire Spike attack with 60m/180m range that deals 1d6 Heat damage and lights wounded targets on fire. It also lives on a diet of calories instead of Souls, and gets ten times as many calories from the same amount of food compared to a normal creature. The Nozricene gains an Advanced Specialty and becomes [ Orange ].



A unicorn is a pink horse, with a single horn protruding from the center of its forehead. At the base of this horn there is a pink gem.

The unicorn is quite smart, but can only speak Grassmuncher languages.

Paragon   —   115 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 4     HP  4     Toughness 5
Muscle 4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 7     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 2     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Pink ]
Movement  60 meter land speed with 6 meter jump. 30 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 500 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Well-Rounded, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Determined 2, Aggressive 2, Perceptive, Sturdy
Extras  Big, Destructive 2

The unicorn's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+4 damage (Muscle included).

It also has a melee Muscle-Damage Brutal Skewer attack which deals 1d6+5 Physical damage (Muscle included), and any creature wounded by this skewering becomes the unicorn's devoted protector and minion for 1 round per wound.

As a standard action, the unicorn can gently touch a creature with its horn to cure that creature of any psychological or emotional problems the unicorn chooses; this somewhat reduces the creature's ability to experience those emotions in any context. A creature touched in this way gets a Will Save to resist.

As a standard action, the unicorn can emit calming waves of energy. Creatures within 20 meters (including the unicorn) must make a Will Save with -1 to the DC or be stunned for 1 round.


Nightmare (20 points): When the unicorn kills a creature, all enemies within 30 meters find the unicorn Frightening X, where X is the unicorn's Save DC -1. The range of the unicorn's calming waves increases by 10 meters. The unicorn gains an Advanced Specialty.

Gravitational Inversion (20 points): The unicorn can invert gravity for itself freely. This lets its jump distance become infinite, and if it uses brief inversions to reduce its falling speed to 125 meters per round or less, it doesn't take fall damage. If it attempts to flip between ceiling or floor during an action, and the two are less then 20 meters apart, it must succeed on a DC 6 Agility check or fall prone. The unicorn gains an Advanced Specialty.



The bloodthirster is a sort of magic sword, given life with the assistance of a pink gem and an orange gem.

Bloodthirsters are quite smart. They cannot speak any languages, but can generate metallic scraping and ringing noises to convey a wide range of emotions. They survive on a diet of souls.

Elite   —   15 points
AD  7     GD 6     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 3
Muscle -4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Machine ], [ Pink ], [ Orange ]
Movement  3 meter fly speed with 0 meter aerobatics distance
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 2 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy, Powerful
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive
Extras  Small 2

A bloodthirster has no hands, but it has a melee Magic-Damage slashing attack which deals 1d6-1 Physical damage, and shrivels any creature it wounds until that creature next consumes a day's-worth of food. This slashing attack may also be used by any creature who wields the sword, but does 1d6-1 damage (1d6 if wielded two-handed) and is Muscle-Damage rather than Magic-Damage; the Magic Power of the Bloodthirster does not apply.


The Bloodthirster cannot be given extras which add to Movement Speed.

Bloodlust (12 points): When the Bloodthirster has tasted someone's blood, it gains a temporary affinity for the rest of that creature's blood. The Bloodthirster can sense creatures or bloodstains of creatures it has wounded in the past 24 hours from 30 meters away. The Bloodthirster gains two Advanced Specialties.

Domination (12 points): Any creature who attempts to wield the Bloodthirster must make a Will save or fall under the Bloodthirster's control for so long as the Bloodthirster is wielded by that creature. At the end of this creature's turn, if controlling this creature puts the party over its point limit, the creature takes one wound and drops the Bloodthirster. The Bloodthirster gains two Advanced Specialties.


A vetala is a reanimating force which travels from corpse to corpse, functioning much like a Special Class.

Vetalas are quite smart, and can speak.

Special Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Must have had a vetala transfer itself into you.
♦ You now count as an [ Undead ] creature.
♦ You no longer need to breathe, and you survive on a bone diet instead of your normal kind.
♦ You have the soul and mind of the Vetala animating you, and use the Vetala's skills rather than your own. You speak, think, and feel only the thoughts and emotions of the Vetala.
♦ While exposed to bright light, you get a -1 penalty to Perception.
♦ You can transfer the Vetala to a touched [ Bony ] corpse as a Standard Action. When you do, you lose the class and die, and the corpse is brought back to life with this class. The Vetala can't be transferred if the change in points used (from loss of you, and gaining a new replacement) would put its party over its point limit.
Special: You are worth 12 more points.


Demand Destruction (10 points): As a standard action, the Vetala can force a creature that can hear it within 30 meters to make a Will Save or become filled with a desire to destroy a target creature or object of the Vetala's choice for 1d6 rounds.

Talking Skull

Skull beam.png

A talking skull is a skull, typically found scavenging for bones to eat in graveyards.

Talking skulls live on a diet of bones. They are somewhat intelligent. While a talking skull doesn't have the memories or personality of its former owner, it can speak the languages its owner possessed in life, as well as learning new ones.

Talking Skull
Common   —   7 points
AD  8     GD 5     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 2
Muscle -4     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power -2
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  5 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance. 5 meter burrow speed. 3 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive
Extras  Small

These skulls have a heavy Magic-Damage Muscle-Area Bright Flash weapon, which makes 1d6-2 Light damage (Magic Power included) attacks against all creatures and unattended objects in a 90 degree, 5 meter conical spray.

They also have a Magic-Damage Bright Beam weapon, which has 30m/50m range and deals 1d6-2 Light damage (Magic Power included).

Talking skulls get -1 to Perception in bright light.


Flying Skull (2 points): The Talking Skull loses its burrow speed and gains a 15 meter fly speed with 4 meter aerobatics distance. When it rushes, it may use a Magic-Damage 1d6-1 Heat damage attack. The Talking Skull gains a Basic Specialty and becomes [ Orange ].

Fast Skull (2 points): The Talking Skull gets +6 meters to its movement speeds. It gains a Basic Specialty.

Sun Spirit

Sun spirit.jpg

The sun spirit is a creature of many delicate fin bones, which drift gently in the breeze.

The sun spirit is not particularly smart, and can only speak Solar languages. It lives on a diet of bones.

Sun Spirit
Elite   —   19 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 3
Muscle 0     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 2
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  15 meter fly speed with 2 meter aerobatics distance. 15 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 20 kilograms
Basic Specialties  Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Sturdy, Offensive, Powerful
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive
Extras  Destructive 2

At the beginning of its turn, if it's not in direct sunlight, it catches on fire.

The sun spirit has a Heavy Magic-Damage Solar Intensification weapon, which can only be performed in direct sunlight, and makes an attack against AD for 1d6+1 Light damage (Magic Power included) to each other creature and unattended object in a 10 meter wide spray beam of light emanating from the sun to the sun spirit, and past the sun spirit for up to 400 additional meters.

The sun spirit is healed instead of wounded by Light damage.


Lunacy (5 points): The Sun Spirit may treat moonlight as though it were sunlight. When using Solar Intensification with moonlight instead, the Sun Spirit deals 1d6-1 Cold damage (Magic Power included) instead of Light damage. The Sun Spirit gains Cold Resist 1. The Sun Spirit gains an Advanced Specialty.

Refraction (15 points): When a spray that deals Light damage passes within 10 meters of the Sun Spirit (Muscle-Area is applied), it may change the direction of that part of the spray as an immediate action. The Sun Spirit gains three Advanced Specialties.



A bonewalker is a 2 meter tall quadruped, with long, slender, bony legs and a ribcage chassis.

Bonewalkers survive on a diet of bones. Bonewalkers can speak every language, and are quite intelligent, but have no particular desires, other than a willingness to obey every command given to them by their master.

Elite   —   23 points
AD  6     GD 6     Will 2     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 2     Agility 4
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ Purple ], [ White ]
Movement  20 meter land speed with 6 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters (16.5 with tiny portals)
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 180 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Stealthy, Perceptive
Extras  Quick

The bonewalker's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+1 damage (Muscle included), and it can attack through tiny, spontaneously generated portals, allowing it to attack creatures 15 meters beyond its reach, potentially past walls or other obstacles.

It can also create larger 2 meter wide, 0 meter deep portals, with one end adjacent to itself and the other end up to 30 meters away, as a move action; such portals disappear after 1 round.

The bonewalker's glowing face brightly illuminates out to 1 meter.

The bonewalker gets -1 to Perception in direct sunlight.


Long Distance Portals (10 points): The distance at which it can create its portals (both large and small) doubles. It gets two more Advanced Specialties.

Scuttling (6 points): The Bonewalker can walk (but not run) along difficult terrain, walls, and ceilings, without difficulty. It gets another Advanced Specialty.



The shadow is a particularly peculiar creature: it appears as a mere perfectly black silhouette on some surface that's illuminated by a particular light source.

Shadows are quite smart, and can speak. They do not need to eat.

Elite   —   25 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 4
Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 2
Stealth 2     Perception 1     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Living ], [ White ]
Movement  31 meter land speed with 4 meter jump.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight N/A
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy, Well-Rounded, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Aggressive, Stealthy
Extras  Fast

The shadow travels along a surface, and cannot travel to surfaces that are further away than its jump distance, or to surfaces that are not illuminated by its light source. If the shadow's surface is obscured by some closer surface, it is shunted to the nearest surface, if one exists within jumping range: if none exist, it is slain. If the shadow's light source is extinguished, it is slain. The shadow cannot occupy a surface more than 100 meters from its light source or beyond its Dim light range, whichever is shorter. If the shadow touches a different light source, it can stop being attuned to its previous light source in favor of this one.

It being shunted by things that obscure it, weapon and unarmed attacks simply shift it a distance equal to the attacker's reach in the direction of the attacker's choice, without need for attack or damage rolls.

The shadow cannot hold things, being essentially two-dimensional, but it can make attacks with its melee Magic-Damage Deathly Grasp, which deals 1d6+2 Cold damage (Magic Power included).


Hide in Corpse (5 points): The Shadow can attune itself to a dead creature, despite it not projecting light. When a light appears within 1 meter of the corpse, the Shadow may attune itself to that light as an immediate action. The Shadow gains an advanced specialty.

Emergency Light (10 points): As a standard action that inflicts 1d6+1 damage to the Shadow, it may create a light source which emanates bright light out to 10 meters at its current location. The light source disappears after 3 rounds. The Shadow gains two Advanced Specialties.

Claw Mound

Claw Mound.jpg

The claw mound is a shambling mass of claw bones.

Claw mounds and scuttling claws survive on a diet of bones. They are not particularly smart, and can only speak sign languages.

Claw Mound
Elite   —   44 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 5
Muscle 4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility -2
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  20 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 1440 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable, Aggressive, Sturdy
Extras  Big

Claw mounds have an essentially unlimited number of "hands", and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+3 damage (Muscle included). For every wound it takes, a scuttling claw is flung 15 meters in a random direction. By moving onto the claw mound, the scuttling claw may merge with the mound to heal 1 of the mound's wounds. As a lesser action, the claw mound may inflict 1 wound on itself, and choose the direction to fling the created scuttling claw.

The claw mound's penalties for using additional weapons decrease to -1 per weapon.

Claw mounds cannot hear. They get -1 to Perception in bright light.

Scuttling Claw
Common   —   8 points
AD  5     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 4
Muscle -2     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 2     Perception 0     Agility 2
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 2 meter jump. 15 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 2.5 kilograms      Weight 3 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Offensive, Sturdy
Extras  Quick

The unarmed attacks of scuttling claws deal 1d6-2 damage (Muscle included), but each claw only has one hand. If a spawned scuttling claw would put you over your point limit, it dies.

Scuttling claws cannot hear. They get -1 to Perception in bright light.


Clawtillery (10 points): When the claw mound uses a lesser action to throw a scuttling claw, it may fling the claw up to 60 meters. The claw mound gains two Advanced Specialties.

Burning Hands (10 points, and 1 point per claw): The claw mound and the scuttling claws can choose to deal Heat damage with their unarmed attacks. When they do, anything wounded by the attack is lit on fire. The claws gain a Basic Specialty. Both the claw mound and the scuttling claws become [ Orange ].



The Reaper is a large bone centipede which prefers to walk partially upright.

Reapers live on a diet of bones. Reapers are quite smart, and can speak.

Paragon   —   100 points
AD  5     GD 7     Will 1     HP  5     Toughness 4
Muscle 2     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 3     Perception 2     Agility 5
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  66 meter land speed with 5 meter jump. 66 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 2 meters
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 80 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable, Aggressive 2, Stealthy 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy
Extras  Fast

The reaper's four foremost legs are vicious scythelike claw weapons, which deal 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included).

It can use its mandibles as a "hand", which is not surprising since the mandibles are made out of human fingers.

The reaper's penalties for using additional weapons decrease to -1 per weapon.

Reapers get a +2 bonus to Stealth against non-injured creatures except while it is in bright light.

When a Reaper kills a victim, the resulting explosion of body parts makes an attack against AD with an accuracy of +2 against each other creature in a 5 meter spray for 1d6+1 Physical damage (Muscle included).


Death's Messenger (25 points): When a creature dies, if the Reaper is aware of it, the Reaper may, as an immediate action, teleport to its corpse. The Reaper gains an Advanced Specialty and becomes [ Purple ].

Facestealer (25 points): When the Reaper kills a creature or teleports to the corpse of a creature, it may assume the appearance and voice of that creature, as a Decent Disguise. If the creature is larger than the Reaper, the Reaper's appearance reverts when it enters a space that larger creature could not occupy. The Reaper gains an Advanced Specialty.



The extruder is a ribcage and a tail. It moves by growing ribs from its spine and adding to its tail to maintain a height of up to 2 meters off the ground; this holds it in place well enough that it can travel up walls and ceilings. Only the tail part is actually part of the creature; the remainder of the ribcage is merely detritus.

Extruders live on a diet of bones. Extruders are not particularly smart, and cannot speak. Extruders get -1 to Perception in bright light.

Paragon   —   65 points
AD  7     GD 7     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 5
Muscle 1     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility 0
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  31 meter land speed with 2 meter jump. 11 meter burrow speed. 31 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 3 meters
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 30 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Ungrabbable, Aggressive, Stealthy, Sturdy
Extras  Fast

The extruder has only one "hand", but deals 1d6+1 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included), and when it successfully wounds a creature with an unarmed attack, that creature takes another 1d6+2 damage (Muscle included) at the beginning of its next turn from growing bones, as it is held in place until someone can shatter the (now detritus) bones holding it steady (Toughness 4, 1 HP).


Greater Ribcage (50 points): The Extruder gets +4 meters to reach, and its rib-growing can maintain a height of up to 4 meters. Wounded creatures take another 1d6+3 damage (Muscle included) at the beginning of each of their turns spent held in place, not only the first one. It gains two Advanced Specialties.

Wormholes (50 points): As a move action, the Extruder can create an extradimensional space with two entry points on surfaces the Extruder can visualize within 8 meters, then move half of one of its move speeds. If the Extruder imagines a surface where there isn't one, the action is wasted. The entry points are barely wide enough for the Extruder (0.6 meters). The interior of the extradimensional space is 5 meters deep, and the Volume Ratio is 100. The space is dispelled when the Extruder creates a new one. It gains two Advanced Specialties and becomes [ Purple ].

Eclipse Hound

Eclipse Hound.jpg

An eclipse hound is a large black attack dog.

Eclipse hounds are moderately smart, but can only speak Wolf languages.

Eclipse Hound
Paragon   —   130 points
AD  8     GD 7     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 4
Muscle 2     Accuracy  2     Save DC 6     Magic Power 3
Stealth 2     Perception 1     Agility 6
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ White ]
Movement  40 meter land speed with 5 meter jump. 30 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 70 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Powerful
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Ungrabbable, Aggressive 2, Stealthy 2, Sturdy 2
Extras  Strong, Might & Magic 2

An eclipse hound only has one "hand", its mouth, and deals 1d6+2 damage with unarmed attacks that use that hand (Muscle included).

They can smell the aftereffects of light, and can accurately identify how bright the place it sniffs was at all times up to 1 day ago.

Eclipse hounds have the power to create a region of impenetrable darkness as a standard action. The region is a 20 meter radius Muscle-Area spray centered on a point within 200 meters to which the eclipse hound has line of sight. The region of darkness is completely impenetrable to light. Each round, starting immediately, the chill makes an attack (using the hound's accuracy) for 1d6+2 Cold damage (Magic Power included) to creatures and unattended objects within the region. This darkness lasts until the eclipse hound creates another one.


Wings of Darkness (10 points): The Eclipse Hound sports perfectly black wings, which give it a 75 meter fly speed with 15 meter aerobatics distance. It gains one Advanced Specialty.

Greater Eclipse (15 points): When the Eclipse Hound creates a region of darkness, it may be 20 meters larger than normal. It gains one Advanced Specialty.



A Trask is a sort of reptilian cross between a mammoth and a giant sloth, steeped in the energies of death, but still a living creature.

Trasks are not particularly smart, and can only speak Draconic languages.

Legend   —   374 points
AD  3     GD 7     Will 1     HP  6     Toughness 8
Muscle 7     Accuracy  4     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 3     Agility -2
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ White ]
Movement  60 meter land speed with 10 meter jump. 20 meter burrow speed. 30 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  8 meters     Reach 3.38 meters
Carrying Capacity 1280 kilograms      Weight 46000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Ungrabbable, Aggressive 3, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 3
Extras  Big 3

The trask's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+7 damage (Muscle included).

It can spit globs of petrified death essence that deal 1d6+6 Cold damage (Muscle included) and have a range of 40m/80m; wounds inflicted on [ Undead ] creatures by this attack heal the creature by that much instead.

The Trask's particular usage of death energies mean that at the end of each of its turns, it heals 1 HP. If its HP becomes positive, it stops being Unconscious.

Any time the Trask would be dead, it is merely unconscious instead.


Long Range Spit (75 points): The range of the Trask's death spit attack increases to 60m/220m. The Trask gains an Advanced Specialty.

Peluda (75 points): The Trask gains a full coat of sharp quill-like hair. This gives it a Heavy Muscle-Damage Quill Shake weapon, where it makes an attack for 1d6+6 Physical damage (Muscle included) against each other creature in a 30 meter spray. When the Trask is struck by an unarmed attack, the attacker takes 1d6+7 Physical damage (Muscle included). The Trask gains an Advanced Specialty.



A ghostmaster is a strangely hunched humanoid skeleton with exceptionally long arms and fingers.

Ghostmasters feast on a diet of bones. Ghostmasters are quite smart, and can speak.

Legend   —   305 points
AD  8     GD 7     Will 1     HP  5     Toughness 4
Muscle 0     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 2
Stealth 3     Perception 4     Agility 4
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  50 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 15 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 8 meters
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 30 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Sturdy, Powerful
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Ungrabbable 2, Aggressive 2, Stealthy 3, Perceptive 3
Extras  Destructive 5

As a standard action, the ghostmaster can create an illusion in a 6 meter radius Muscle-Area area anywhere it can see: this illusion lasts until the ghostmaster creates a new illusion. As a move action, the ghostmaster can move its current illusion up to 25 meters in the direction of its choice, and also animate or otherwise change the illusion for a round. If another creature moves into the area of the illusion (the illusion moving to surround the creature does not count), or begins its turn in the illusion, the ghostmaster may make a melee Magic-Damage attack against that creature for 1d6+2 Cold damage (Magic Power included). As a lesser action, the ghostmaster may create rasping or whispering voice sounds from the illusion, or the sounds of screeching or rattling chains.

If the ghostmaster's current illusion is ever more than 200 meters from itself, the illusion disappears and the ghostmaster must create a new one.

The illusion is bound to the ghostmaster. It can be an illusion of anything the Ghostmaster can imagine, can block vision, but cannot be so bright as to generate bright light out to more than 10 meters.

The ghostmaster's illusions deal 1 less damage in bright light.


Larger Illusion (60 points): The Ghostmaster's illusion can occupy an area with a radius of up to 10 meters. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Transposition (150 points): As a standard action, the Ghostmaster may swap locations with its illusion. It gains two Advanced Specialties and becomes [ Purple ].

Bone Monstrosity

Bone Monstrosity.png

A bone monstrosity is a truly massive skeletal monster, shaped vaguely like an alligator and made entirely out of normal sized bones.

Bone monstrosities feast on a diet of bones. Bone monstrosities are not particularly smart, and can only speak sign languages. At the core of every bone monstrosity, there are 3 to 5 white gems.

Bone Monstrosity
Legend   —   572 points
AD  1     GD 8     Will 1     HP  10     Toughness 10
Muscle 11     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 2
Stealth -2     Perception 2     Agility -6
Fear Response  Frenzy
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ White ]
Movement  37 meter land speed with 4 meter jump. 17 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  16 meters     Reach 5.06 meters
Carrying Capacity 20480 kilograms      Weight 81920 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Aggressive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable 2, Aggressive 3, Might & Magic 2, Perceptive, Sturdy 3, Energetic 2
Extras  Big 4

The bone monstrosity's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+11 damage (Muscle included) and fling each wounded creature 5d6 meters in the direction of the bone monstrosity's choice.

Because it is made of normal sized bones, it can squeeze through holes only 0.5 meters wide, but it gets a -3 penalty to accuracy while partially squeezed.

As a standard action AND move action, a bone monstrosity can glow with searing light, making a ranged Magic-Damage Muscle-Area attack that deals 1d6+2 Light damage (Magic Power included) to all other creatures and unattended objects in a 400 meter spray (Muscle included). [ Undead ] creatures that would be wounded by this searing light are brought under the bone monstrosity's control for that many rounds instead.

The bone monstrosity gets -1 to Perception in bright light.


The Bone Monstrosity cannot gain Extras which add to movement speed.

Mass Animation (100 points): At the end of each of its turns, the Bone Monstrosity casts animate skeletons without an action. The Bone Monstrosity gains another Advanced Specialty.

Inescapable Radiance (50 points): The Bone Monstrosity can make its glow with searing light deal up to 5 less damage in exchange for getting the same amount as a bonus to the glow's Accuracy. The Bone Monstrosity gains another Advanced Specialty.



This is a big cat with soft gradients in fur color from tan to blue.

Leonatrices are moderately smart, but can only speak Feline languages.

Common   —   20 points
AD  4     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 6
Muscle 3     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 1
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Blue ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 8 meter jump. 20 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 450 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Offensive, Powerful, Brutal, Sturdy
Extras  Big

A Leonatrix's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+2 damage and an additional +1 damage when charging (Muscle included).

As a standard action, it can let loose a powerful roar, that deals 1d6-1 Sonic damage to creatures within 10 meters (Magic Power included); wounded creatures find the Leonatrix Frightening.


If it gets either of the following advancements, the Leonatrix becomes Elite tier (giving it +1 HP).

Leonarch (15 points): The Leonarch gains the power to control clouds: with 8 hours of concentration, it can create or remove clouds from the sky up to 20 kilometers away, or cause clouds in the area to rain lightly for 8 hours or heavily for 1 hour. It gains three Advanced Specialties.

Blood Bind (5 points): When the Leonatrix successfully wounds a [ Blooded ] creature with an unarmed attack, the Leonatrix can locate that creature at any distance for the next 5 minutes. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Ball Lightning

Ball Lightning.jpg

Ball lightning is a small, spherical ball of electricity, which floats gently around.

Ball lightning is not particularly smart. It cannot eat, so it eventually starves to death.

Ball Lightning
Elite   —   20 points
AD  6     GD 6     Will 2     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle -4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 1
Stealth -1     Perception 1     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Machine ], [ Blue ]
Movement  25 meter fly speed with 0 meter aerobatics distance.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight None.
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Powerful
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive
Extras  Quick

Ball lightning has a Magic-Damage Lightning Bolt attack with 20m/50m range, which deals 1d6 Electricity damage (Magic Power included) and stuns creatures it wounds until the end of the current turn; it cannot use this attack twice on the same creature during the same turn.

If ball lightning collides with the ground (or unattended objects connected to the ground) for any reason, it is destroyed.


Dolster 72.jpg

A dolster is a four-meter long bright blue crustacean. All but its two most forward limbs are small and vestigial, but those two are large and finlike. Dolsters are capable of creating extremely loud noises.

Dolsters are moderately smart, but can only speak Bug languages. They are known for being unusually vicious pack hunters.

Elite   —   33 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 5
Muscle 2     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 1
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Blue ]
Movement  5 meter land speed with 5 meter jump. 55 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 500 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Sturdy
Extras  Big

A dolster has one "hand", its bemandibled mouth, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+2 damage (Muscle included).

The dolster has a Heavy Muscle-Area Magic-Damage Sonic Cone weapon, which attacks creatures in a 30 meter, 90 degree conical blast that travels as easily through liquids as through air, and deals 1d6 Noise damage (Magic Power included). The sound of the attack is audible along the path of the cone up to 1000 meters away.

It also has a Heavy Muscle-Area Magic-Damage Focused Sound weapon, which attacks creatures and unattended objects in a 5 meter radius blast that travels as easily through liquids as through air, centered on a point within 100 meters to which the dolster can trace a straight line without passing through any solid objects or creatures. Hit targets are dealt 1d6 (Magic Power included) Noise damage. When other dolsters use Readied Actions to use Focused Sound attacks at the same location and the same time, only one attack is rolled, using the accuracy and magic power of one of the dolsters (their choice), and a +1 bonus to damage and +1 meter bonus to blast radius for every additional dolster. The blast of sound is audible from 1000 meters away.

Dolsters can hold their breaths for ten times the normal amount of time.


Rolling (10 points): The dolster can curl up into a ball or uncurl as a move action. While curled up, it gets +80 meters to land speed, but cannot use its Sonic Cone or Focused Sound weapons. The dolster gains two Advanced Specialties.

Hive Mind (5 points): The dolster becomes quite smart, can speak, and gains an Advanced Specialty. If it is within 5 meters of a Dolster that doesn't have Hive Mind, that Dolster gets +2 to Will Saves.

Blood Elemental

Blood Elemental.png

A blood elemental is a vaguely humanoid form of blood, with a wide base where legs would be.

Blood elementals are moderately smart, but can only speak Machine languages.

Blood Elemental
Paragon   —   148 points
AD  4     GD 8     Will 2     HP  11     Toughness 3
Muscle 4     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 3     Perception 0     Agility -4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Blue ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 35 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 2.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 5760 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Sturdy, Offensive
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable 2, Stealthy 2, Sturdy 2, Super-Sturdy
Extras  Big 2

The blood elemental has two hands, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+3 damage (Muscle included). It also has a Heavy Muscle-Damage Blood Spray weapon which attacks all creatures and unattended objects in a 90 degree, 90 meter spray for 1d6+4 Physical damage (Muscle included); each time it uses this attack, it takes 1 wound.

As a standard action, the Blood Elemental can drain the blood from the corpse of a non-Shriveled creature of 40 kilograms or more that had an Organic diet and is within reach. Doing so shrivels the corpse and heals the Blood Elemental by 1d3 wounds.

The Blood Elemental can also choose to hide in the body of a creature with Size 4 meters or more. It takes 3 rounds of concentration while being within reach to enter the creature. To leave the creature again takes 1 round of concentration. The Blood Elemental can also be cut out of its host.

Blood elementals don't need to breathe.


Blood Wind (20 points): The Blood Elemental can fling itself up to 200 meters as a move action. Doing so inflicts 1 wound on itself. It gets +4 meters to its movement speeds. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Blood Shrinkage (20 points): The Blood Elemental can hide inside creatures of any size, and only takes 2 rounds of concentration to enter or 1 move action to leave. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Sky Serpent

Sky serpent.jpg

Sky serpents are gigantic serpents with majestic whiskers and a fine coat of fur.

Sky serpents are moderately smart, and can only speak Draconic languages.

Sky Serpent
Paragon   —   240 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 8
Muscle 7     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 2     Agility -4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Blue ]
Movement  50 meter fly speed with 6 meter aerobatics. 50 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  8 meters     Reach 3.38 meters
Carrying Capacity 1280 kilograms      Weight 40960 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Ungrabbable, Aggressive 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big 3

Sky serpents have one "hand", their mouths, and deal 1d6+7 damage with Unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

When sky serpents move, they always move the head and have the tail follow behind, occupying exactly the space that used to be occupied by the serpent-parts in front of it. While their Size is listed as 8 meters, the serpent is 4 meters thick and 32 meters long.

The sky serpent can Tail Slap as a standard action. It moves any parts of itself other than its head (the 2 meter section at the front) up to 10 meters. Creatures and unattended objects its tail is now touching take an Unarmed attack.


Air Control (20 Points): The Sky Serpent can move forwards less than its aerobatics distance while flying and not using actions to move. As a lesser action once per round, it can move each part of itself up to 4 meters. It gains an Advanced Specialty.



A thunderbird is a giant eagle, with horns and teeth.

Two of the thunderbird's molars are actually blue gems.

Thunderbirds are quite smart, but can only speak Bird languages.

Legend   —   551 points
AD  2     GD 8     Will 4     HP  7     Toughness 8
Muscle 8     Accuracy  4     Save DC 6     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 4     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Blue ]
Movement  10 meter land speed with 4 meter jump. 5 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink. 60 meter fly speed with 12 meter aerobatics.
Size  16 meters     Reach 5.06 meters
Carrying Capacity 2560 kilograms      Weight 250000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable 2, Determined 2, Aggressive 3, Perceptive 3, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big 4, Destructive 1

The thunderbird has one "hand", its beak, and deals 1d6+8 damage with unarmed attacks it makes with that "hand" (Muscle included).

At the end of the thunderbird's turn, if it's in flight, the flapping of its wings makes an extremely loud noise, attacking the AD of all other creatures and unattended objects in a 50 meter blast for 1d6+6 Noise damage (Muscle included). The flapping can be heard from up to 5000 meters away.


Lightning Eyes (75 points): The Thunderbird gains two Loud Lightning Bolt weapons which have a range of 40m/80m and deal 1d6 Electricity damage (Magic Power included). It can wield these weapons in addition to anything else it wields, with no additional penalty. Whenever the Thunderbird successfully inflicts one or more wounds with a Lightning Bolt weapon, it may make another Lightning Bolt attack for free (this can trigger itself). Its movement speeds increase by 15 meters. The Thunderbird gains an Advanced Specialty.

Raiju (75 points): The Thunderbird's Lightning Bolt weapons get +20m/+60m to range. As a standard action, it can shrink itself down to a 2 centimeter wide, 0.1 kilogram sphere. While in this shrunken state, it is paralyzed, and returning to full size takes 2 rounds of purely mental concentration. The Thunderbird gains an Advanced Specialty.

Stymphalian Wings (75 points): The Thunderbird's feathers become sharp and metallic. It gains a Heavy Piercing attack that targets all creatures and unattended objects in a 90 degree, 120 meter arc spray for 1d6+6 Physical damage (Muscle included). The Thunderbird's fly speed increases by 30 meters, but its aerobatics distance increases by 4 meters. The Thunderbird gains an Advanced Specialty.



A bansheep is a sheep with a fleshless head and iridescent blue wool.

Bansheep are not particularly smart, and can only speak Grassmuncher languages.

Paragon   —   100 points
AD  7     GD 6     Will 1     HP  6     Toughness 4
Muscle 2     Accuracy  3     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Undead ], [ Blue ], [ White ]
Movement  45 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 35 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 70 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Aggressive 2, Sturdy 2, Super-Aggressive
Extras  Destructive 3

The bansheep has one "hand", its mouth, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+1 damage (Muscle included).

As a standard action, the Bansheep can let loose a bone-chilling scream, attacking all other creatures and unattended objects within a 30 meter blast against AD for 1d6 Noise damage (Magic Power included). Wounded creatures are deafened for 1 minute per wound. While deafened in this way, if the creature dies, it is brought back with the stormwraith class under the Bansheep's control; after 1 round, if the stormwraith puts the party over its point limit, the stormwraith dies. Creatures animated with this scream have fresh souls, who enjoy most in the world floating through the sky and howling at the clouds. The scream is audible from 2000 meters away.

Bansheep get -1 to Perception while exposed to bright light.


Storm Wool (20 points): The Bansheep gets another Advanced Specialty, and its Unarmed attacks deal Electricity damage instead of Physical, and stun for 1 round on a successful wound.



A mewlet is a ball of fluff that slithers and bounces along the ground. It only has one "hand", a mouth filled with vicious teeth. Mewlets can neither see nor hear, simply biting viciously at anything edible they touch, and hopping randomly when nothing of that nature is touched.

Mewlets are too stupid to control, and can only speak Bug languages.

Harmless   —   N/A points
AD  4     GD 3     Will -1     HP  1     Toughness 1
Muscle -6     Accuracy  2     Save DC 2     Magic Power -3
Stealth -1     Perception -2     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  5 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump. 5 meter swim speed with -2 meter sink.
Size  0.125 meters     Reach 0.125 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.15625 kilograms      Weight 0.25 Kilograms

The mewlet's bites are Magic-Damage rather than Muscle-Damage, and deal 1d6-3 Acid damage (Magic Power included).

Rock Snail

Rock snail.jpg

Rock Snails are a type of large shelled invertebrate. They have one "hand", their mouth.

They are moderately smart, but can only speak Bug languages.

Rock Snail
Common   —   22 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 2     HP  1     Toughness 6
Muscle 4     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception -1     Agility -3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  10 meter land speed with 0.25 meter jump. 3 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  3 meters     Reach 1.84 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 2160 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Brutal, Sturdy
Extras  Big

Rock snails can climb along vertical surfaces and ceilings with ease, and can move at full speed while encumbered.


The Rock Snail may not be given Extras that add to movement speed.



The eyeslug is a fast-moving, small invertebrate with a single large eye for a face. It has no hands.

Eyeslugs are moderately smart, but can only speak Bug languages.

Elite   —   16 points
AD  7     GD 5     Will 2     HP  3     Toughness 2
Muscle -4     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 0.25 meter jump. 20 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1.25 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive
Extras  Small

Eyeslugs have a Heavy Magic-Damage Third Eye Gaze weapon: it has a range of 60m/180m, targets GD, and deals 1d6 Disease damage (Magic Power included). Creatures wounded by it sprout a Third Eye, if they already had eyes. This Third Eye shows decay and filth everywhere the viewer looks, allowing them to easily compare with their normal vision to detect the subtler manifestations of it: they can identify unhealed wounds caused by Disease or Acid damage, and determine what diseases people are suffering from at a glance. However, the constant influx of visions is draining to the viewer, making them Tired after a minute, until one minute after the Third Eye drops off. The Eyeslug can only create 3 Third Eyes at a time, and when it creates more than that it must designate existing ones to drop off as necessary.

Its eye lets it see four times as far as a normal creature its size.


Jumping Slug (10 points): The eyeslug gets +5.75 meters to jump distance. It gains two Advanced Specialties.

Toxic Trail (10 points): The eyeslug leaves a trail on any surface it traverses, which lasts for a minute. Creatures and unattended objects touching the trail take 1d6 Acid damage (Magic Power included). It gains two Advanced Specialties.

Cave Lizard

Cave Lizard.png

This is a person-sized scaly beast that walks upright and has incredibly short forelegs. It has no eyes.

Cave lizards are not particularly smart, and can only speak draconic languages.

Cave Lizard
Elite   —   22 points
AD  6     GD 5     Will 1     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 2     Perception 0     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  40 meter land speed with 10 meter jump. 40 meter burrow speed. 25 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 100 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Brutal, Offensive
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Stealthy
Extras  Quick 2

The cave lizard has one "hand", its mouth, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage (Muscle included).

The cave lizard also has two melee Muscle-Damage Claw weapons which deal 1d6 Physical damage (Muscle included).

The cave lizard's penalties for using additional weapons decrease to -1 per weapon.

Cave lizards can put in a directed burst of speed when burrowing to Move through any type of rock or soft metal as easily as if it were sand. Using this ability more than once in an hour makes the Cave Lizard tired until it sleeps for at least 4 hours.

Cave lizards can suspend their metabolisms while awake; time spent Delaying does not count for their need to breathe, eat, or drink.

Cave lizards cannot see, but the base range of their scent sense is 50 meters.


Rapid Burrow (2 points): The cave lizard can use its directed burst of speed for a burrowing Move one extra time per hour without becoming tired. The cave lizard gets a Basic Specialty.

Worn Troutsker

Worn troutsker.jpg

The worn troutsker is a large fish with two tails and a gigantic mouth. Its throat splits in two, giving it a spacious gullet down each tail. The tail fins theirselves are extremely flexible, with claw-like grips that allow it to walk on walls and ceilings as easily as on the ground.

Worn troutskers are not particularly smart, and can only speak Draconic languages. They can breathe both air and water.

Worn Troutsker
Elite   —   32 points
AD  7     GD 5     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 3     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 6
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  70 meter land speed with 7 meter jump. 95 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 80 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Aggressive, Sturdy
Extras  Hopper, Strong

It has one "hand", its mouth. Its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+2 damage (Muscle included).

As a standard action, the worn troutsker can attempt to swallow the legs of a creature it is grappling: it makes an unarmed attack against GD, and if it would wound, the target's legs are swallowed instead. While its legs are swallowed, the target counts as riding the troutsker, and cannot stop riding the troutsker until the troutsker is knocked unconscious, killed, or it takes a standard action to regurgitate its target. The troutsker cannot make unarmed attacks or use its "hand" while it has swallowed someone's legs.


Second Skin (10 points): When the Worn Troutsker swallows a creature, it can grow itself around that creature, forming a second skin. This gives the creature total cover, but blinds it. Regurgitating a creature covered in this way takes two rounds of concentration. The Worn Troutsker gains two Advanced Specialties.



A facemuncher is a large horseshoe crab, with pulsing fleshy sacs on its back.

Facemunchers are moderately smart, but can only speak Bug languages.

Elite   —   31 points
AD  8     GD 7     Will 2     HP  2     Toughness 2
Muscle -2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power -2
Stealth 2     Perception 0     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  30 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 35 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 2.5 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Ungrabbable, Aggressive, Stealthy
Extras  Small 2

The facemuncher has one "hand", its mouth, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6-3 damage (Muscle included).

As a Standard AND Move action, it can make a single Heavy Unarmed attack against the GD of a creature it is grappling: if it wounds, it latches onto the target's face, effectively blinding them. For as long as it is latched onto the creature's face, it may dictate the creature's every action. The Facemuncher can only latch itself onto one face at a time. Unlatching from a creature's face takes a move action.


Toxin Bomb (10 points): If it kills a creature it's attached itself to the face of, the corpse is turned into a volatile toxin gas bomb. If the facemuncher takes a lesser action to detonate the corpse while within 100 meters, or the corpse is wounded, it detonates, releasing a 5 meter radius blast cloud of toxin into the air for 1 minute. Creatures that breathe while in the cloud take an attack against GD to avoid being knocked unconscious for 1 hour. Creatures that enter or begin their turns in the cloud take 1d6-2 Disease damage (Magic Power included). The Facemuncher gains an Advanced Specialty.

Hydran Jaculus

Hydran Jaculus.jpg

The hydran jaculus is a two legged lizard with large, batlike wings. They have a tendency to climb inside other creatures and attack their internal organs directly.

Hydran jaculi are not particularly smart, and can only speak Draconic languages.

Hydran Jaculus
Paragon   —   81 points
AD  8     GD 5     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 4
Muscle 0     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 3     Perception 2     Agility 10
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  35 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 35 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink. 180 meter fly speed with 30 meter aerobatics.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 8 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Aggressive 2, Stealthy 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy
Extras  Small

Hydran jaculi have one "hand", their mouths, and deal 1d6 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

It has a Muscle-Damage Enter weapon, which deals 1d6 damage (Muscle included) and causes it to enter the target on a successful wound. While inside the other creature, all of its attacks hit automatically without need for an attack roll. It can only be removed by Cutting it Out, or by having it move out of the creature of its own volition. It can only Enter creatures larger than itself.


Chest Burster (25 points): As a standard action, the Hydran Jaculus may attempt to explode out of the creature it is currently inside. This deals 1d6+1 Physical damage (Muscle included) to the creature: on a successful wound, bits of the creature explode outwards, making an attack for 1d6-2 Physical damage (Muscle included) against each other creature and unattended object in a 30 meter, 90 degree conical spray. Whether or not it wounds, the Hydran Jaculus stops being inside its host. The explosion is audible from 300 meters away. The Hydran Jaculus gains an Advanced Specialty.

Aquatic (25 points): The Hydran Jaculus's swim speed increases by 50 meters, and all of its other speeds increase by 15 meters. It does not need to breathe. It gains a Heavy Magic-Damage Electric Burst attack, which targets all other creatures in a 5 meter blast, dealing 1d6-2 Electricity damage (Magic Power included) and stunning wounded creatures for 1 round. The Hydran Jaculus gains an Advanced Specialty and becomes [ Blue ].

Alp Luachra (25 points): Whenever the Hydran Jaculus wounds a creature, it may make that creature experience one additional day of hunger per wound inflicted. The Hydran Jaculus gains an Advanced Specialty and becomes [ Orange ].

Pelican-Billed Platypus

Pelican-Billed Platypus.jpg

The pelican-billed platypus is a fast-moving, large predator with a toxic sac hanging from the bottom of its beak. Its front claws are also quite dangerous, functioning as hands.

Pelican-billed platypodes are moderately smart, but can only speak Bird languages.

Pelican-Billed Platypus
Paragon   —   128 points
AD  6     GD 6     Will 1     HP  5     Toughness 5
Muscle 4     Accuracy  4     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 2     Perception 1     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  95 meter land speed with 8 meter jump. 90 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 3 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 4480 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Ungrabbable, Aggressive 2, Stealthy, Perceptive
Extras  Big 2

Venomous spurs on the pelican-billed platypus's arms mean that unarmed attacks it makes that wound also inflict Platypoison.

Muscles in its toxic gullet allow it to shoot pinpoint streams of toxic waste. This functions as a Muscle-Damage Toxin Stream weapon, with 80m/240m range that deals 1d6+2 Acid damage (muscle included) and blinds for 1 round per wound.

It can attempt to catch creatures with a total sum of sizes of up to half the pelican-billed platypus's in order to dissolve them in its gullet. This is a Heavy Muscle-Damage melee Catch weapon that deals 1d6+5 Physical damage (Muscle included). On a successful wound, the target is Caught. While Caught, the creature is submerged in toxic waste, and, being inside the platypus, may have difficulty seeing or reaching other creatures. Caught creatures are also squeezed. When the platypus is wounded, it gags, releasing all Caught victims.


Hexapodal (20 points): The Pelican-Billed Platypus grows two additional arms. It also gets +10 meters to its movement speeds. It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Swift Catcher (20 points): The Catch weapon may be used as non-Heavy. When doing so, it deals only 1d6+3 damage (Muscle included). It gains an Advanced Specialty.

Giant Amoeba

Giant Amoeba.jpg

A giant amoeba is an amorphous blob.

Giant Amoebae are quite smart, but can only speak Machine languages. Smaller amoebae are progressively less intelligent.

Giant Amoeba
Paragon   —   160 points
AD  5     GD 8     Will 1     HP  5     Toughness 7
Muscle 5     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 3     Agility -4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  50 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 50 meter swim speed with -2 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 2.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 320 kilograms      Weight 5440 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Ungrabbable 2, Stealthy, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big 2

A giant amoeba has no hands, but its Unarmed attacks deal 1d6+5 Acid damage (Muscle included) and blind for 1 round per wound inflicted.

When it would become prone, it instead rolls 10 meters in a random direction.

Any creature it grapples is also squeezed, and takes 1 automatic Unarmed hit each round.

When the Giant Amoeba would be slain, it splits into two Moderate-Sized Amoebae. With 1 round of concentration while unwounded, it can split itself into four Moderate-Sized Amoebae.

Moderate-Sized Amoeba
Elite   —   40 points
AD  5     GD 7     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 6
Muscle 3     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility -1
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  25 meter land speed with 2 meter jump. 25 meter swim speed with -2 meter sink.
Size  3 meters     Reach 1.84 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 1360 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Ungrabbable, Sturdy
Extras  Big

A moderate-sized amoeba has no hands, but its Unarmed attacks deal 1d6+3 Acid damage (Muscle included) and blind for 1 round per wound inflicted. When it would become prone, it instead rolls 10 meters in a random direction.

It also has a Muscle-Damage Acid Squirt weapon, with 70m/210m range that deals 1d6+2 Acid damage (Muscle included).

When the Moderate-Sized Amoeba would be slain, it splits into two Small Amoebae. With 1 round of concentration while unwounded, it can split itself into four Small Amoebae.

If they each take a standard action, four touching Moderate-Sized Amoebae can combine into a Giant Amoeba.

Small Amoeba
Common   —   10 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 5
Muscle 1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  50 meter land speed with 4 meter jump. 50 meter swim speed with -2 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 340 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Offensive, Sturdy, Brutal
Extras  Destructive 2

A small amoeba has no hands, but its Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 Acid damage (Muscle included). When it would become prone, it instead rolls 10 meters in a random direction.

As a standard action, the small amoeba can fling itself up to 240 meters.

If they each take a standard action, four touching Small Amoebae can combine into a Moderate-Sized Amoeba.



This ambiguously-formed creature constantly shifts and morphs, its limbs changing shape, skin growing fur then turning to feathers or scales, eyes changing from circular pupils to vertical to insectoid and back again.

Tekkishazes are sometimes smart, and can speak.

Legend   —   229 points
AD  9     GD 6     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 6
Muscle 1     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 3     Perception 2     Agility 8
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  120 meter land speed with 10 meter jump, OR 130 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink, OR 150 meter fly speed with 20 meter aerobatics distance, OR 100 meter burrow speed. (See below)
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 80 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Sturdy, Offensive
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 3, Aggressive 2, Stealthy 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 2
Extras  Quick 5

The Tekkishaze can choose how many hands it has as a move action. It gets -5 meters to its movement speed for each hand it has.

The Tekkishaze either gets: +4 demolition with unarmed attacks, +4 meters to reach, or +20 meters to its movement speeds. It can morph to change which one as a move action.

The Tekkishaze only has one movement speed at a time (see above), and can morph to change which one it has as active as a move action.

The Tekkishaze only has one of the following senses at a time: Visual as a 2 meter creature, Auditory as a 2 meter creature, Thermosympathetic as a 0.25 meter creature, or Scent with a 50 meter base range. It can morph to change which one as a move action.

The Tekkishaze can squeeze through gaps half as wide as a normal creature of its size could.


Morphological Stability (75 points): As a move action, the Tekkishaze can solidify its form to resemble a creature of its same size that it has touched, also choosing to have the same number of hands as the creature. This is a Decent Disguise, and it lasts until the Tekkishaze uses any of its morphing powers listed above. It gains an Advanced Specialty.



The geohyrax is a large creature of earth and stone which superficially resembles a rodent. It has small pointed ears and a pair of teeth that stick out of the front of its upper jaw.

Geohyraxes are not particularly smart, and can only speak Grassmuncher languages.

Legend   —   335 points
AD  2     GD 6     Will 1     HP  9     Toughness 8
Muscle 7     Accuracy  2     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 3     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Living ]
Movement  60 meter land speed with 40 meter jump. 25 meter swim speed with 15 meter sink. 10 meter burrow speed.
Size  16 meters     Reach 5.06 meters
Carrying Capacity 1280 kilograms      Weight 409600 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 3, Super-Sturdy 2
Extras  Big 3

Geohyrax's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+7 damage (Muscle included).

As a standard action, the geohyrax can leap 160 meters and create shearing where it lands: if it lands on the ground, it chooses a four-edged section of earth centered on the landing point, each edge being 40 to 160 meters long, and makes that section of earth plunge into the ground a distance of 10 meters. The grinding of earth against earth is audible from 300 meters away.

As a standard action, the geohyrax can make a fissure in the ground, splitting the ground in a line starting from the geohyrax, 2 meters wide by 10 meters deep, and 300 meters long. Creatures of size 2 meters or less touching the split region fall in unless saved by a grab ledge or other effect. The creation of the fissure is audible from 300 meters away.

Roaming Cavern

Roaming Cavern.png

A roaming cavern is a small fat sack of flesh, with large reptilian eyes, and two green gems for teeth. It has two stubby little arms.

Roaming Caverns are quite smart, and can speak.

Roaming Cavern
Legend   —   365 points
AD  9     GD 9     Will 2     HP  4     Toughness 5
Muscle 0     Accuracy  4     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 3     Perception 2     Agility 9
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Green ]
Movement  95 meter fly speed with 6 meter aerobatics distance.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 60 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 3, Ungrabbable 3, Aggressive 3, Stealthy 2, Perceptive 2
Extras  Quick

It has a melee Propulsion attack, which flings 2d6×5 meters instead of dealing damage. It can also drip ten cubic meters of toxic waste as a Standard AND Move action.

If it passes within 30 meters of an unattended object, that object is pushed until it is 30 meters away. Large or amorphous objects, like dirt or walls, may be shattered in this process. The grinding of terrain is audible from 300 meters away.

The Roaming Cavern loses the ability to fly while it is more than 60 meters from any objects that are connected to the ground.


Crush (75 points): As a standard action, the Roaming Cavern can pull all unattended objects within 60 meters 25 meters towards itself. Creatures in the path of pulled objects take a Magic Power attack against AD for 1d6 Physical damage, and on a hit are pulled too; on a miss, the creature may still choose to be pulled. Using Crush suppresses the object-pushing effect for 1 round. The Roaming Cavern gains an Advanced Specialty.

Endless Bile (75 points): The Roaming Cavern can drip 2500 cubic meters of toxic waste as a Standard AND Move action. The Roaming Cavern gains an Advanced Specialty.



This appears to be a chicken-headed snake.

Basilisks are not particularly smart, can speak, and know every language.

Paragon   —   124 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 5     HP  6     Toughness 5
Muscle 2     Accuracy  3     Save DC 8     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility -2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ], [ Green ]
Movement  75 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump. 7 meter teleport speed. 25 meter swim speed with 2 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight 480 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Determined 2, Aggressive 2, Sturdy 2, Super-Determined
Extras  Big

The basilisk has one "hand", its beak, and deals 1d6+2 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included). If it successfully wounds a creature to 0 or less health, that creature is teleported into a small extradimensional space with a microscopic entry point on one of the basilisk's scales, barely large enough to fit the creature. All of the basilisk's extradimensional spaces are bound to the basilisk. The basilisk's extradimensional spaces are filled with stone toxin instead of air: as the creature is turned to stone, the basilisk digests its essence, and when the creature in one of the spaces is completely petrified the space is dispelled.

At the beginning of each creature's turn, if that creature can see the basilisk, it must make a Will Save or be stunned for 1 round. The DC increases by 1 if less than 10 meters away.


Force Gaze (30 points): As a standard action, the Basilisk may attempt to compel a chosen creature to look at it. The creature must be able to hear the Basilisk speak: if it does, it must pass a Will Save with -2 to the DC or spend a move action on its next turn trying to get to a place where it can see the Basilisk. The Basilisk gains another Advanced Specialty.

Majestic Wings (30 points): The Basilisk grows two chicken wings, which add +14.5 meters to its jump distance. If it takes a standard action at the beginning of its turn, it may stop in the air in mid-jump at some point during its turn. It then falls at the end of its turn. The Basilisk gains another Advanced Specialty.

Living Eucharist

Living Eucharist.jpg

A living eucharist is a mushroom-like creature that moves by scrunching itself up and springing, repeatedly.

Living eucharists are not particularly smart, and can speak.

Living Eucharist
Common   —   1 points
AD  7     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 1
Muscle -6     Accuracy  3     Save DC 4     Magic Power -3
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  8 meter land speed with 4 meter jump distance. -3 meter sink.
Size  0.125 meters     Reach 0.125 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.15625 kilograms      Weight 0.16 Kilograms
Extras  Hopper

When eaten (a standard action that requires a successful attack against GD), the living eucharist heals its consumer of 2 HP and then causes them to make a 2 Sacrifice Energy Personal Sacrifice at the end of the creature's next turn.



An leadfoot is a pair of large leaden feet connected by stubby legs, with a small head on top.

Leadfeet are not particularly smart, and can speak.

Common   —   5 points
AD  5     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 3
Muscle -1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  20 meter land speed with 6 meter jump distance. 3 meter swim speed with 10 meter sink.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 5 kilograms      Weight 20 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Brutal
Extras  Hopper

Leadfeet have no hands, but deal 1d6-1 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included).

When a leadfoot successfully begins riding a creature, it deals its unarmed damage to that creature.


Pact of Chastity (4 points): The leadfoot gains two Basic Specialties, and can form a Pact of Chastity, which gives the creature "When this creature successfully begins riding a creature, it deals its unarmed damage to that creature", but requires them to avoid touching any living creature with anything other than their feet (the Pact is broken if they hit a living creature or are hit by a living creature with a handed unarmed attack). The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 2 energy Personal Sacrifice.



An agel is a hunched-over humanoid figure whose right arm is permanently affixed to a cane, reaching the ground. It is the very image of the idealized old man who needs a cane to walk. It has one hand, its left.

Agels are not particularly smart, and can speak.

Common   —   8 points
AD  3     GD 3     Will -1     HP  1     Toughness 6
Muscle 1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility -8
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  10 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance. 4 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 120 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Offensive, Well-Rounded
Extras  Strong

When the agel hits a creature with an unarmed attack, that creature is aged to a decrepit state. It becomes tired and encumbered for as long as it can see or hear the agel, and for another round after.

The agel is, itself, always tired and encumbered, and those adjustments appear in its stat block.


Pact of Wizendom (2 Points): The Agel gains one Basic Specialty, and can form a Pact of Wisendom, which grants the Agel's decrepifying effect on an unarmed hit, but requires the creature to be tired and encumbered at all times. The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 4 energy Personal Sacrifice.

Waterflake Minion

Waterflake Minion.png

A waterflake minion is a 1 meter long hippopotamus-like creature built from a relatively small number of overlapping spheres, which drools semitransparent dust.

Waterflake Minions are not particularly smart, and can speak.

Waterflake Minion
Common   —   10 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 1     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  18 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance. 12 meter swim speed with 10 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 120 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Extras  Strong

Waterflake minions have one "hand", their mouths, and their unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage (Muscle included).

The waterflake minion has a Heavy Dry Sneeze weapon, which sprays a stream of extremely dry water in a 30 meter long, 0.5 meter wide area that makes an attack for 1d6+1 Physical damage (Muscle included) against each creature and unattended object in the area. [ Blooded ] creatures take +1 damage.


Pact of Temperance (2 points): The Waterflake Minion gains one Basic Specialty and can form a Pact of Temperance, which grants the other creature the Waterflake Minion's Dry Sneeze weapon, but requires them to never touch any liquids. The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 2 energy Personal Sacrifice.

Chillburn Angel

Chillburn Angel.png

A chillburn angel is a spiny hedgehog-like creature with three icy blue eyes.

Chillburn angels are not particularly smart, and can speak.

Chillburn Angel
Elite   —   15 points
AD  5     GD 4     Will 2     HP  3     Toughness 3
Muscle 1     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  24 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 10 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Sturdy
Extras  Strong

A chillburn angel has one "hand", its mouth, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+1 Cold damage (Muscle included). When the chillburn angel's unarmed attacks wound a target, that target is lit On Cold: this is just like being lit on fire, but deals Cold damage instead. Only objects that are not flammable and creatures may be lit On Cold.

The chillburn angel freezes water it touches, allowing it to walk on the surface.


Pact of Integrity (4 points): The Chillburn Angel gains two Basic Specialties, and can form a Pact of Integrity, which grants the other creature the Chillburn Angel's ability to freeze water it touches in order to walk on it, but requires them to never say or write anything that they know to be false. The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 3 energy Personal Sacrifice.



A howdar is a thin torus, with seven cylinders extending from the torus to its center. The ring has seven feathery wings, extending from the tips of the cylinders, and seven expressive eyes between each wing.

Howdars are not particularly smart, and can speak.

Elite   —   22 points
AD  7     GD 5     Will 1     HP  3     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power -1
Stealth 2     Perception 1     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  40 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink. 40 meter fly speed with 10 meter aerobatics.
Size  0.5 meters     Reach 0.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 15 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Stealthy, Perceptive, Sturdy
Extras  Small, Strong

A howdar's unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage (Muscle included).

A creature can touch it and take a lesser action to give the howdar X Sacrifice Energy. This gives the howdar a +X divided by 2 bonus to Muscle and +X times 10 meters to its movement speeds for 4 rounds. Only the strongest currently active bonus applies.


Burning Wheel (5 points): The howdar gains Heat Resist 2 and a Magic-Damage Fire Spike weapon with 60m/180m range that deals 1d6-2 Heat damage (Magic Power included) and lights wounded targets on fire. The howdar gains an Advanced Specialty and becomes [ Orange ].

Pact of Transport (20 points): The howdar becomes Paragon tier (giving it +1 HP), gains an Advanced Specialty, and can form a Pact of Transport, which grants the other creature the howdar's ability to be granted Sacrifice Energy for Muscle and speed, but requires them to carry at least one non-harmless creature at all times. The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 6 energy Personal Sacrifice.

Time Judge

Time Judge.jpg

This terrible bird has a long and flexible beak and four pairs of feathery wings, arranged like those of a dragonfly. It has one "hand", its nearly tentacular beak.

Time judges are quite smart, but somewhat delusional, and can speak.

Time Judge
Elite   —   26 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 2     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle 0     Accuracy  0     Save DC 7     Magic Power 1
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  8 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump. 45 meter fly speed with 9 meter aerobatics. 3 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 70 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Offensive, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Determined, Super-Determined
Extras  Quick

As a standard action, the time judge can create a false past for a creature it can see within 30 meters unless that creature succeeds on a Will Save. If the creature fails, the time judge flings the creature 2 meters in any direction from where it was one round ago, then the movements the creature took during that round are retraced with that offset to determine its new location. The creature sees that it must return to the place it would have been if not for the Paradox: at the end of the creature's turn, if it has not reached that place yet, it takes 1d6 Void damage (Magic Power included) as the time judge's power makes it gradually phase out of existence.

Salt Golem

Salt Golem.png

A salt golem is a cube of salt, with salt legs protruding out of the center of each side.

Salt golems are not particularly smart, and can only speak Machine languages.

Salt Golem
Elite   —   35 points
AD  5     GD 6     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 4
Muscle 3     Accuracy  2     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception -1     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Machine ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  45 meter land speed with 2 meter jump. 10 meter swim speed with 10 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 80 kilograms      Weight 2200 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Aggressive, Sturdy
Extras  Big

The salt golem's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+3 damage (Muscle included) and cause wounded targets to become shriveled until they recover from this by drinking plenty of fluids and waiting for a minute.

It can attack unattended bodies of water with its unarmed attacks, drying 2 cubic meters up with every successful hit.

When reduced to 0 or less HP, a salt golem explodes in a cloud of salt, which fills a 4 meter radius blast for 3 rounds and cannot be seen through: this destroys the salt golem.


Salt Shot (10 points): The Salt Golem gains a Salt Shot weapon, which deals 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included) and has a range of 30m/60m. Creatures it wounds become shriveled as per its unarmed attacks. The Salt Golem's jump distance increases by 2 meters. The Salt Golem gains two Advanced Specialties.

Preservative (2 points): If the Salt Golem would wound a creature from -1 HP or above to -2 HP or below, the creature is only reduced to -1 HP. The Salt Golem gains one Basic Specialty.

Pact of Persistence (20 points): The Salt Golem becomes Paragon tier (giving it +1 HP), gains an Advanced Specialty, and can form a Pact of Persistence, which grants the other creature the Salt Golem's ability to shrivel creatures and dry up water with its unarmed attacks, but requires them to never kill another creature. The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 4 energy Personal Sacrifice.

Fickle Mercenary

Fickle Mercenary.jpg

A fickle mercenary is a four-legged, two-armed creature with silvery skin and golden eyes.

Fickle mercenaries are moderately smart, and can speak.

Fickle Mercenary
Paragon   —   98 points
AD  3     GD 5     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 7
Muscle 5     Accuracy  1     Save DC 4     Magic Power 3
Stealth 1     Perception 2     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  24 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance. 12 meter swim speed with 10 meter sink.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 320 kilograms      Weight 1200 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Offensive, Brutal, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive 2, Stealthy, Perceptive, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big, Might & Magic 2

Fickle mercenaries have two hands, and their unarmed attacks deal 1d6+4 damage (Muscle included).

The fickle mercenary has a Heavy Magic-Damage Void Line weapon which it can project from either of its palms: it deals 1d6+1 Void damage (Magic Power included) to every hit target in a 40 meter line extending from the fickle mercenary. The line passes through obstacles without difficulty.

Fickle mercenaries are easily bought: anyone can demand the services of a specific fickle mercenary by taking a lesser action to ask for its allegiance while within its hearing and spending 4 Sacrifice Energy. Fickle mercenaries always serve their latest master fully and completely.

When a character would project an Avatar of a member of its party, and it could choose to project an Avatar of a fickle mercenary if it had one in its party, it can choose to project any non-busy fickle mercenary. This does not confer the mercenary's allegiance.


Pact of Egalitarianism (20 points): The fickle mercenary gains an Advanced Specialty, and can form a Pact of Egalitarianism, which grants the other creature the mercenary's Void Line weapon (which deals 1d6-2 Void damage before Magic Power is applied), but requires them to offer their services to anyone willing to pay: anyone can ask for the creature's allegiance while within its hearing as a lesser action by spending 4 Sacrifice Energy. The creature is obliged to obey for 3 rounds or until someone else buys its allegiance, whichever comes first. The penalty for Breaking the Pact is a 6 energy Personal Sacrifice.



A fractalence is an ever-shifting mass of colorful edges and lines, that on closer inspection have infinitely detailed waves and curves in them.

Fractalences are moderately smart, and can speak.

Paragon   —   98 points
AD  7     GD 6     Will 1     HP  4     Toughness 4
Muscle 0     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 3
Stealth 4     Perception 1     Agility 6
Descriptors  [ Machine ], [ Angel ], [ Black ]
Movement  26 meter swim speed with 0 meter sink. 26 meter fly speed with 6 meter aerobatics.
Size  4 meters     Reach 2.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 10 kilograms      Weight 2000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Stubborn, Offensive, Powerful, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Aggressive 2, Stealthy 2, Super-Stealthy
Extras  Fast

The fractalence has an infinite number of hands, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+1 Void damage (Magic Power included, its Unarmed attacks are Magic-Damage rather than Muscle-Damage).

As a Standard action, the fractalence can hurtle through up to 200 meters of intervening objects and creatures, dealing 1d6+1 Void damage (Magic Power included) to anything it passes through. If it does not end its hurtle in an open space, it bounces back to the last open space it left during this travel, and takes 1d6+1 Void damage itself.

As a Standard action, the fractalence can merge into the scenery, becoming nearly undetectable as a Decent Disguise. While in this state, it can do nothing other than observe its surroundings, Pay Attention, Delay, and use a Standard action to unmerge and return to normal.


Void Star (40 points): As a Standard Action, the fractalence can project an Avatar for a creature in its party into any empty space within reach. The Avatar lasts until the fractalence projects an Avatar for a different creature, or the Avatar leaves the fractalence's sight for more than 1 continuous round. The fractalence gains two Advanced Specialties.

Bantar Claws (75 points): When the fractalence wounds a creature with a Heavy Unarmed attack, it may duplicate them as though it had hit the creature with a successful casting of the Division spell. The fractalence becomes Legend tier (giving it +1 HP), gains an Advanced Specialty, and becomes [ Green ].

Void General

Void General.jpg

A void general is a gigantic reptilian humanoid with three pairs of feathery wings: one on its back, a hornlike pair on its head, and a hooflike pair on its feet. It has a black gem embedded in its forehead.

Void generals are quite smart, and can speak.

Void General
Legend   —   218 points
AD  7     GD 5     Will 2     HP  6     Toughness 7
Muscle 4     Accuracy  3     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 3     Agility 2
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Black ]
Movement  28 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump distance. 18 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink. 30 meter fly speed with 20 meter aerobatics.
Size  2 meters     Reach 1.5 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 1100 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Offensive, Brutal, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider 2, Determined, Aggressive 2, Perceptive 2, Sturdy 3
Extras  Big, Strong

The void general has two hands, and its unarmed attacks deal 1d6+4 damage (Muscle included).

The venomous fangs of its snakelike head allow it to afflict a target with Abasement Toxin if it wounds the target with a no-handed unarmed attack.

As a Move action, the void general can project Avatars for up to two creatures in its party into any empty space within reach. The Avatar(s) last for 3 rounds.

As a Standard action, the void general can breathe a cloud of magic negation in a 30 meter, 90 degree conical blast. This void cloud lasts for 3 rounds, and all [ Bound ] spells are suppressed while they target anything in the cloud or are bound by anyone in the cloud. This cloud also negates faint auras, preventing them from extending into the cloud.

As an Immediate action, the void general can make a 60m/300m ranged attack against a caster or psychic's GD to disrupt a spell as it is being cast or technique as it is being used.


Bridge to Nowhere (150 points): As a Standard Action, the void general can begin to create a circular disk of pure nothingness that annihilates all it touches, from 0.1 to 2 meters in radius up to 100 meters away. For one round, it is detectable only as a dark spot that makes a gentle whooshing sound, audible from 100 meters away. After the round has passed, it becomes the disk of destruction, and lasts until the void general dismisses it as a Lesser action or creates a new disk. Creatures and objects pushed through the disk disappear completely. The disk is surrounded by strong wind pushing towards it, in a blast around the disk as far as its radius, which is now audible from 300 meters. The void general gains two Advanced Specialties.



This large quadruped has three heads.

Each head corresponds to a color, and no two heads on a chimera correspond to the same color.

Chimera Head
Elite   —   36 points
AD  6     GD 6     Will 3     HP  3     Toughness 5
Muscle 1     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 1
Stealth 0     Perception 2     Agility 5
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  N/A
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 50 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Determined, Aggressive, Perceptive, Sturdy
Extras  Quick, Might & Magic
Chimera Body
Paragon   —   138 points
AD  5     GD 8     Will 2     HP  5     Toughness 7
Muscle 4     Accuracy  3     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 1     Perception 1     Agility 4
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  82 meter land speed with 6 meter jump. 35 meter burrow speed. 50 meter swim speed with 5 meter sink.
Size  4 meters     Reach 2.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 160 kilograms      Weight 5000 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Physical Evasion, Slippery Wit, Stubborn, Offensive, Sturdy
Advanced Specialties  Avoider, Ungrabbable 2, Aggressive 2, Stealthy, Sturdy 2
Extras  Big 2

The chimera's heads act and are targeted separately, but move with the body. Each head has one "hand", its mouth, and deals 1d6+1 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included). The body has no "hands" but it deals 1d6+4 damage with unarmed attacks (Muscle included). If the body is slain, or all of the heads are slain, the Chimera dies.

Depending on the color, the head gets different powers:

[ Orange ]: As a standard action, it can breathe a 30 meter, 90 degree conical Muscle-Area blast of fire, which makes a ranged Magic-Damage attack against AD on each creature and unattended object in the area for 1d6 Heat damage. Wounded targets are lit on fire.

The head is moderately smart, and can only speak Draconic languages.

[ Pink ]: As a standard action, the head can make itself frightening to any number of other creatures it specifies within 30 meters.

The head is quite smart, and can only speak Feline languages.

[ Purple ]: As a standard action, the head can spit spatial phlegm at a creature, as a ranged Muscle-Damage attack against GD with a range of 30m/100m, for 1d6+2 Physical damage (Muscle included). If the creature is wounded, the Chimera may teleport that creature 5 meters in any direction.

The head is not very smart, but knows and can speak every language.

[ White ]: As a standard action, the head can heal each head, and the main body, for 1 wound each.

The head is moderately smart, and can speak.

[ Blue ]: As a standard action, it can spit lightning at each of three targets within 120 meters, making a ranged Magic-Damage attack against AD for each one. The lightning deals 1d6 Electricity damage (Magic Power included), and Stuns on a successful wound.

[ Green ]: As a standard action, the head can change its color to any other color for 1 minute.


Fourth Head: The Chimera gains a fourth head, which may be of a color it already has a head for.

Head Regrowth (50 points): As a standard action, the Chimera can regrow a slain head, restoring it to 1 HP and curing it of the dead condition. This inflicts 1 wound on the body. The body gains two Advanced Specialties.



Mannequins are mindless humanoid puppets of wood and iron, specially designed to be easy to manipulate from afar by their creator. The Mannequin can only act on a turn in which they are within their creator's Faint Aura and the creator uses a lesser action to manipulate the Mannequin.

The Mannequin has no senses.

They are crafted as Psychic Items with a value of 300 copper. They require a Psychic Strength of 12 meters and the Force Bloodline.

They cannot think, but can speak as their creator commands.

Common   —   N/A points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  2     Toughness 4
Muscle 1     Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility -1
Descriptors  [ Machine ]
Movement  10 meter land speed with 1 meter jump. 3 meter swim speed with 2 meter sink.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 20 kilograms      Weight 90 Kilograms
Basic Specialties  Brutal, Sturdy

The Mannequin may not be given Extras.

Sensory Mannequin: The Mannequin gains a normal set of senses, which the creator can perceive with while the Mannequin is within their Faint Aura. It also gains another Basic Specialty. The Mannequin is worth 200 additional Copper, requires 4 meters more Psychic Strength, and also requires the Telepathy Bloodline.

Psyche Afterglow

Psyche Afterglow.png

When a Psychic dies, sometimes not all of their soul moves on to the afterlife, some of it remains in the world of the living and after a few days condenses into a sort of afterglow.

Psyche afterglows are very visible ghostly blurs that resemble the psychic they were in life, and are the psychic's favorite color.

Psyche afterglows are a bit less intelligent than their original psychics were, and can speak languages they knew in life.

Psyche Afterglow
Common   —   6 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 5
Accuracy  0     Save DC 4     Magic Power 0
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility 1
Descriptors  [ Undead ], [ Psychic ]
Movement  8 meter fly speed with 2 meter aerobatics distance.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Basic Specialties  Psychic, Sturdy
Extras  Quick

Psyche afterglows have a Strong Aura of 1 meter.

Psyche afterglows are immune to Physical damage and can fly through solid objects and creatures, albeit at only one-tenth of their normal speed. They cannot hold or move things, or attack.

They have a single Bloodline, drawn from among the ones their original psychic had, and an ability derived from that Bloodline:

If slain, the psyche afterglow reforms in the same place after 2d6 days.

Blangle Tligar

In the darkness: a shine of teeth, and two slitted eyes. You wave your lamp in that direction, and relax, it's just a chair. You turn away again. Last mistake you ever make.

Blangle Tligars are concentrations of psychic energy that bounce from object to object, animating them with cruel force.

Blangle Tligars are moderately smart, can speak any language someone within their Strong Aura can speak, and live on a diet of souls.

Blangle Tligar
Elite   —   38 points
AD  4     GD 4     Will 0     HP  2     Toughness 6
Muscle 2     Accuracy  1     Save DC 5     Magic Power 0
Stealth 2     Perception 2     Agility 0
Descriptors  [ Machine ], [ Psychic ]
Movement  25 meter land speed with 1 meter jump distance. 10 meter fly speed with 2 meter aerobatics distance.
Size  *     Reach 1 meter
Carrying Capacity 40 kilograms      Weight *
Basic Specialties  Psychic, Sturdy, Brutal, Offensive, Well-Rounded
Advanced Specialties  Aggressive, Stealthy, Perceptive, Sturdy, Psychic Aura

Blangle Tligars have a Strong Aura of 12 meters.

A Blangle Tligar occupies one object weighing anywhere from 1 kilogram to a number of kilograms equal to its Faint Aura in meters (normally 72 kilograms, or 144 when Flared). If its Faint Aura becomes too small for the object it inhabits, the Blangle Tligar is destroyed. While occupying an object, the object appears normal as a Good Disguise so long as the Bangle Tligar remains still, but attacks against the object use the Blangle Tligar's defensive statistics (AD, GD, Will Saves, Toughness, HP) instead of the object's own. When the Blangle Tligar wishes to move or attack, parts of the object temporarily become more like legs, wings, or a mouth, and it stops being effectively disguised until it stops moving again.

As a Standard action, the Blangle Tligar may move from its current object to another one it can see within its Strong Aura. As a Finisher it may move to an object it can see within its Faint Aura instead.

The Blangle Tligar's unarmed attacks deal 1d6+1 Physical damage (Muscle included). It has no hands, although it can use the object it inhabits as though holding it with one hand.