Thought parrot

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Thought Parrot


A thought parrot is a brightly colored parrot with a purple head and piercingly intelligent eyes.

Thought parrots are moderately smart, can speak, and know every language.

Thought Parrot
Common   —   7 points
AD  5     GD 4     Will 1     HP  1     Toughness 2
Muscle -4     Accuracy  0     Save DC 5     Magic Power -1
Stealth 1     Perception 0     Agility 3
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ], [ Purple ]
Movement  2 meter land speed with 0.5 meter jump. 25 meter fly speed with 2 meter aerobatics. 2 meter swim speed with 2 meter sink.
Size  0.25 meters     Reach 0.25 meters
Carrying Capacity 0.625 kilograms      Weight 1 Kilogram
Basic Specialties  Stubborn, Offensive, Powerful
Extras  Small 2

The thought parrot speaks by projecting words directly into the heads of creatures within 50 meters: it must be aware of a creature in order to speak to it, and can only communicate with up to five creatures per round.

As a standard action, the thought parrot can forcefully project extremely inane words into the mind of a creature it can speak to: the creature must make a Will Save or take 1d6 Mind damage (Magic Power included).

It gets Demolition +1.


Improved Conversation (2 points): The range of the thought parrot's word projection increases by 25 meters. Immediately after receiving a message, a creature may use a Lesser action to send a one-word return message to the thought parrot. The Thought Parrot gains a Basic Specialty.

Persistent Thought (3 points): The thought parrot, can, as a Lesser action, project words at a specified point within the range it can project thoughts. Any creature who intersects that point during the next hour hears those words. Also, whenever the parrot's inane words attack inflicts a wound on a creature, that creature takes 1d6 Mind damage again (Magic Power included) at the end of its next turn, repeating every round until it fails to wound. The Thought Parrot gains a Basic Specialty.