Classes (Cybergems)

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Characters obtain some of their important powers from classes.

Expertises can be gained at any time by spending enough points, and cannot normally be removed.

Genomorphs must be declared at or before character creation. It's possible to put off actually growing them and spending the necessary points (which takes 1 hour) for as long as one wishes.

If a genomorph specifies a body part, the character may not have any other genomorphs or augments that also specify the same body part.

Common Classes

Common classes cost 2 points each.

Script Samurai and Skirmisher.png
Script Samurai
Common Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  None.
♦ Choose another Fear Response: When you would suffer a fear response, you may pick either that one or your original one.
♦ You get +2 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ One minute after a hacking attempt against you or your equipment is successful, you become aware that you've been hacked. If you already have this ability, the time before you notice decreases by 1 round.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Defender Scout.png
Common Tier Expertise
♦ If your position would grant cover to someone or something, you may grant total cover instead.
♦ As a move action, you may Defend: One target within reach gets a +1 bonus to Toughness until your next turn or until it stops being adjacent, whichever comes first. While it gets that bonus to Toughness, any damage dealt to it is dealt to you as well.

Common Tier Expertise
♦ Whenever you use a move action, you may move 5 meters using any of your movement speeds.
♦ The sound you make while Running is only audible from half as far away. The distance for Moving is never more than half that distance.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Explorer and Apothecary.jpg
Common Tier Expertise
♦ You take 1 less damage from falling or exposure to dangerous environments, like lava.
♦ You get +0.5 meters to jump distance.
♦ The Throwing penalty (for throwing melee weapons) decreases by 1, to a minimum of -0.
♦ You get +1 to Agility.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Explorer and Pilot.png
Turbo Pilot
Common Tier Expertise
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ Vehicles you Drive or Control Remotely may move up to 5% faster than normal for their movement mode.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Acid Blood.png
Acid Blood
Common Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  None.
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ Any melee attack which wounds you inflicts 1d6-1 Acid damage on the weapon (or the creature, in the case of an unarmed attack).
♦ You can secrete acid at will, dealing +1 Acid damage with Unarmed attacks.
♦ You gain Acid Resist 1.

Water Adaptation.png
Water Adaptation
Common Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  None.
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You can breathe underwater.
♦ As a lesser action, you can change your sink distance to any value from 6 meters to -6 meters.
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.

Common Tier Genomorph
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You gain Heat Resist 1.
♦ You are not frightened by being set on fire.

Elite Classes

Elite tier cybergems.png

Elite classes cost 5 points each.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ You get +1 to Will when making later Will saves to recover from fear effects you are already suffering from.
♦ You ignore penalties to Perception given to you by status effects.
♦ If you and a conscious willing creature are on opposite sides of a target (the smallest angle between you from the target's perspective is 135 degrees or more), both of you get +1 to Accuracy against that target. If the willing creature also has Veteran, this bonus increases to +2. The bonus does not stack.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ All ranged attacks you make gain another range increment, twice as far as the current farthest one.
♦ As an immediate action, you may reroll an attack roll you just made, and get a +1 bonus to Accuracy with that attack.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ When you make a non-area attack, you may accept a penalty of up to 5 to your attack roll to get that as a bonus to your damage roll if you hit. The penalty must be the same for all rolls when making an attack that hits multiple targets.
♦ You get +1 to Agility.

Combat Whirlwind and Rapid Shooter.jpg
Combat Whirlwind
Elite Tier Expertise
♦ The penalties for using additional weapons decreases to -1 per weapon.
♦ You can perform non-incremental reloads without any action.
♦ You get +2 meters to your movement speeds.

Rapid Shooter
Elite Tier Expertise
♦ Your semiautomatic weapons become automatic, and your non-automatic weapons become semiautomatic.
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
Special: This class may be taken up to two times.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ When you melee guard, you get an additional +1 to Perception against any targets in your melee guard radius.
♦ The first unarmed attack you make while melee guarding each round doesn't count towards the limit on the number of attacks you can make.
♦ The attack you make when you Rush deals +1 damage.
♦ You get +1 to Agility.

Bodyguard and Stalwart.jpg
Elite Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Defender
♦ You get +2 Perception to notice creatures that are attacking a creature you are Defending.
♦ When you Defend, you get +1 Toughness against damage dealt to you by the Defend ability.
♦ You get +1 to Agility.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ Disarm and Pickpocket attacks against you use your full Toughness rather than only half.
♦ When you Melee Guard, you can choose to halve the total amount of movement granted during the guard in order to get +1 to AD and GD against attackers within range of your current melee guard area.
♦ You get +4 meters to your movement speeds.

Mountaineer and Hunter.jpg
Elite Tier Expertise
♦ If you would succeed on a roll of 3 with an Agility check, you don't have to roll it at all. If you already had this ability, the value increases by 1.
♦ You can make one grab ledge for free each round: you don't have to expend a move action for doing it. If you already had this ability, you can do two additional grab ledges for free per round.
♦ You can move at ¾ your normal speed while encumbered. If you already had this ability, you can move at full speed while encumbered.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ You can search or tactile search as a move action. If you already had this ability, you may do it as an immediate action.
♦ You get +1 to Hacking for the Research, Access Files, Screen Peek, Monitoring, Identify Hackers, Poll Connections, Monitor Connections, and Locate Physically hacks.
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
Special: This class may be taken up to two times.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ As a standard action, you may kill an unconscious creature within reach. If you do, all other creatures within 20 meters who are aware of this find you Frightening X, where X is dependent on the victim's tier (Common: 3, Elite: 5, Paragon: 6, Legend: 8). You may designate any number of creatures you are aware of to get -3 to the DC. If you already had this ability, the distance at which creatures are affected increases by 30 meters.
♦ Other creatures within reach get a -1 penalty to Will saves. This penalty does not stack with other instances of Sadist on this character or any other.
♦ You can make a Cut Out attempt as an Attack Option, at an additional -2 penalty to accuracy. If you already had this ability, the penalty decreases by 1.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Inquisitor and Crippler.jpg
Elite Tier Expertise
Nobody expects an inquisition.
♦ You get +1 to Bluff when using it to inflict fear.
♦ When you Bluff to inflict fear on any number of creatures, they may be up to 8 meters farther away.
♦ You get +1 damage against stationary creatures.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Infiltrator and Ambusher.jpg
Elite Tier Expertise
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ For the purposes of avoiding notice, your size seems to be 10% smaller.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ You get +1 to Agility.
♦ As a standard action, you can enter Ambush Mode until you move. While in Ambush Mode, you can only be detected from half as far away.

Sprinter and Adept.jpg
Elite Tier Expertise
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ You can Sprint: as a standard action you can move twice one of your run speeds. If you use this ability on two consecutive rounds, you become tired until you've eaten a day's-worth of food. If you already had this ability, you get +5 meters to your movement speeds on any turn in which you Sprint.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Elite Tier Expertise
♦ You can use melee weapons, not just unarmed attacks, to hijack vehicles.
♦ When Serious or Hitch dice are rolled for one of your partially successful hacks, you get to know whether the die came up "Safe" (a 6) or "Dangerous" (5 or less).

Elite Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  None.
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ Immediately after a vehicle you are Driving or Controlling Remotely does its move, it may turn an additional number of degrees up to the number of degrees it just turned. It must adjust its movement mode down one step next round.

Elite Tier Genomorph
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You can release calming pheromones that soothe people as a standard action. Make a ranged attack against GD against all other creatures in a 5 meter Muscle-Area blast: creatures you hit get a -2 penalty to Will Saves and Insight and treat all Insight checks against them as being 2 points higher. This effect lasts for 5 rounds.
♦ You can release intimidating pheromones that terrify people as a standard action. Creatures in a 5 meter Muscle-Area blast find you Frightening. After 5 rounds, creatures who were still suffering from this fear automatically recover.
♦ You can suppress your scent as a standard action. This lasts until you use a pheromone ability, and quarters the distance at which you can be smelled.

Hyperenhanced Scent.png
Hyperenhanced Scent
Elite Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  None.
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ The base range of your Scent sense increases by 30 meters.
♦ You get a +2 bonus to Insight for identifying lies against creatures you can smell within 5 meters.

Big Eyes.jpg
Big Eyes
Elite Tier Genomorph
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You can see twice as far as normal.
♦ When you Search, the cone is 2 meters longer.

Elastic Flesh.png
Elastic Flesh
Elite Tier Genomorph
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You can halve your size or stop halving your size as a move action.
♦ Your reach doubles.
♦ You can Disguise your facial structure, girth, and height with a Good disguise as a move action.

Acid Spit.png
Acid Spit
Elite Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  Acid Blood
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ The Acid damage inflicted upon weapons or creatures that attack you is repeated one round later.
♦ You gain a Muscle-Damage acid spit weapon, with 10m/40m range, which deals 1d6-2 Acid damage. If the attack hits, it also deals another 1d6-2 Acid damage one round later.
♦ Your Acid Resist increases by 1.

Bioelectric Generator.png
Body Electric
Elite Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  None.
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ Your Unarmed attacks may do Electricity damage instead of Physical. When you successfully wound a creature with an electrical unarmed attack, that creature is stunned until the end of this turn.
♦ You gain Electricity Resist 1.

Paragon Classes

Paragon classes cost 20 points each.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You may have any creature you Ride get +10 meters to its movement speeds.
♦ Armor you wear gets +1 Toughness while you are wearing it.
♦ Melee attacks you make while the creature you are Riding is taking a second action to Run during a turn deal +1 Damage.
Special: This class may be taken up to two times.


Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You can wield any item as though you were using two hands for it. Doing so only takes one hand. If you already had this ability, you count as having two additional hands.
♦ When you Catch or Reload, you may interact with one more item.
♦ You get +3 meters to your movement speeds.
Special: You may take this class two times.

Whirling Maniac and Ambidexter.jpg
Whirling Maniac
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You can wield 2 additional weapons without a penalty to accuracy for a -2 penalty to AD, GD, and Will Saves until the beginning of your next turn instead. If you use this while it isn't your turn, the penalty lasts until the end of your next turn.
♦ You can Stop Drop and Roll as a move action.
♦ You get +5 meters to your movement speeds.

Stunt Shooter and Marksman.jpg
Stunt Shooter
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You get +1 to Agility.
♦ When you would inflict wounds, you may trade wounds inflicted for causing one of the following on a one-for-one basis: prone, drop a held item or have an attached non-armor item fall off, on fire, lose a sense of your choice for 1 round, disoriented for 4 rounds, flung 4 meters directly away from you or 1 meter in the direction of your choice. If you already had this ability, you can inflict one of those things without trading a wound.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ Your penalty for attacking through multiple creatures is never greater than -1.
♦ When you aim, you may make a non-Heavy attack, which may but does not need to be the one to which the accuracy bonus applies.

Centered One
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ Instead of your AD and GD becoming 2 while stationary, you get a +1 bonus to AD while stationary and your GD is not reduced. If you already had this ability, it does not improve.
♦ As a move action, you can move one of your non-run speeds in a straight line, and become stationary until you next take a non-Lesser action. If you already had this ability, you can use a run speed for it.
♦ After you make a roll, you may add 1 to the total result. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it again until your next turn. If you already had this ability, you may add 2 instead.
Special: This class may be taken up to two times.

Street Fighter and Centered One.jpg
Street Fighter
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ No-handed unarmed attacks you make deal 1d6+1 damage (before modifiers like [ Muscle-Damage ]) and fling targets 2 meters directly away from you if they hit. If you already had this ability, fling hit targets another 4 meters directly away from you.
♦ Whenever you hit a target with a melee attack, you may change the direction of your movement.
♦ When you fling someone or something, you apply your Magic Power to the damage they take from the fling, or from falling after being flung, or from any environment they are flung into. The damage bonus does not apply to whatever they're flung into. If you already had this ability, it does not improve.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Opportunist and Interrupter.jpg
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You may make a non-Heavy attack as an immediate action.
♦ You get +1 to Damage against the creature(s) whose turn it is.
♦ You get +1 to Agility.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ When you successfully wound someone, one action of your choice that they are currently taking is canceled.
♦ You can Ready as a Standard action.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You get +8 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ You can move half of one of your movement speeds as an Immediate action. If you interrupted an action that targeted you, the acting creature may change its target. Taken a second time, you can move ¾ of one of your movement speeds with the immediate action. Taken a third time, you can move at full speed.
♦ You get +1 to Agility.
Special: This class may be taken up to three times.

Tracker and Duelist.jpg
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You can detect tracks that are 10 times as old.
♦ Once per round during your turn you can designate one creature as Prey, replacing your previous designation. You get +1 to Perception and +1 to Accuracy against your Prey.
♦ You get +8 meters to your movement speeds.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ Once per round during your turn you can designate one creature as Prey, replacing your previous designation. You get +1 to AD and +1 to GD against your Prey.
♦ When missed with a melee attack, you may make a one-handed melee attack against the attacker. All such counterattacks are rolled after the current turn ends, but range is checked when the attack missed.
♦ You get +1 to Agility.

Pyromaniac and Alchemist.jpg
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ Your attacks ignore 1 point of Heat Resist.
♦ When you set a creature on fire, the Frightening value of the fire uses your Save DC. If you already had this ability, the on fire condition you cause adds your Magic Power to its damage, as does any on fire conditions caused by it, and so on.
♦ You get +10 meters to your movement speeds while on fire.
Special: This class may be taken twice.

Doctor and Sentinel.jpg
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You can Resuscitate: You attempt to resuscitate an unconscious target within reach as a Standard action. Roll 1d6 against a DC of 2 minus two times the target's current HP. If you succeed, they stop being unconscious. If you already had this ability, resuscitate affects an additional unconscious target within reach when used.
♦ You can Revive: You attempt to revive a dead target within reach as a Standard action. Roll 1d6 against a DC of 4 + half the number of rounds ago the target died: they are restored to life at a number of negative hit points that's 1 point away from death. If you already had this ability, you get +1 to the roll.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ When you wound a creature, they lose the ability to run until they stop being injured. If you already had this ability, the creature also gets a -2 penalty to Agility and -1 to Muscle during this time.
♦ Any attack you make that gets the benefits of aiming can cause a critical hit on a roll one lower than normal. If you already had this ability, all your attacks can cause a critical hit on a roll one lower than normal, and aiming does not affect that. This only applies to the original attack roll; further rolls to increment the multiplier for the attack do not benefit.
Special: This class may be taken up to two times.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ Locate Physically hacks made against you have three times the normal random error.
♦ You take half as long to change your ID, and do so without effort.
♦ You know a special hack: Make Vulnerable. It may be used on any device, and has a Difficulty of 0. On success, the target gets -1 to Hackability Score for 1d6 rounds. If you already had this ability, the duration increases by 2 rounds.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Paragon Tier Expertise
You can blow up basically anything.
♦ You get +1 Demolition.
♦ You can plant Delayed Viruses in a system with a Hacking Difficulty of 5. Once you do, choose a trigger (all systems have access to a system clock) and a secondary hack to be deployed when the Delayed Virus triggers, then make a hacking check for the second hack. When the system detects the chosen event, it performs the other hack that you designated when you planted the Delayed Virus. If you attempt to place a Delayed Virus in a system that already has a Delayed Virus in it, a random one of the two survives, and you cannot determine which one it is without waiting for it to trigger. If you already had this ability, the Hacking Difficulty of planting a Delayed Virus decreases by 1.
Special: This class may be taken up to three times.

Multitasking Hacker.png
Multitasking Hacker
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You can maintain one hack with no action at all. If you already had this ability, the number of hacks you can maintain with no action increases by 1.
♦ You can do the same hack on multiple targets simultaneously. Use the highest Hackability Score, and only one roll (with problem dice), for all targets. You get -1 to the Hacking check for each additional target. If you already had this ability, the number of targets per -1 penalty increases by one.
Special: You can take this class up to three times.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ When controlling another creature, if you would use the lower of your stat or theirs (as with the Body Control or Assume Complete Control hacks), add 1 to their stat before doing the comparison.
♦ When you speak, you can make your voice appear to come from any surface the sound can travel directly to within 20 meters. If you already had this ability, the distance doubles.
♦ You get +3 meters to your movement speeds.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Covert Operative.png
Covert Operative
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ Whenever you Sneak, you may move an additional one-quarter of your chosen speed.
♦ You get +1 to Accuracy with any melee attacks you make against targets that cannot detect you.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ When you Pay Attention, you get +1 to Insight to detect Legerdemain attempts until your next turn.
♦ Attacks made during a Ranged Guard or Melee Guard get +1 to Accuracy.
♦ You gain the ability to Bolster: As an immediate action when another creature you are aware of and who is aware of you would have to make a Will Save, you may also roll a Will Save with an extra +1 bonus, and have the creature use that result if higher.

Staunchheart and Warlord.jpg
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ When you Ranged Guard or Melee Guard, you immediately count as noticing each creature you are aware of in the area taking an action.
♦ While you are paralyzed, stunned, or controlled by another, you may continue to take three lesser actions each round as though you were fully in control of your faculties. If you already had this ability, you also get to take a move action each round, which may be used for an immediate action, and prevents anyone from forcing you to have more than one pending move action to expend (not counting the move action for your own immediate action, if any).
Special: You may take this class up two times.

Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ Whenever someone finds you Frightening, they find you 1 more Frightening.
♦ You can make people "snap out of it". As a standard action, you may roll a Will Save. For every effect on a creature within reach that originally offered a Will Save to resist, if your roll is equal to or higher than that DC, the creature is cured of that effect. [ Linked ] effects can only be cured with this if all targets of the effect are in the area.
♦ As a standard action, you can survey the battlefield, for a +2 bonus to Perception until your next turn.

Diplomat and Covert Scout.jpg
Paragon Tier Expertise
♦ You get +1 to Agility.
♦ As a standard action, you can force each creature who can hear or see you to make a Will Save. Creatures that fail the will save are obliged to remain nonviolent until someone they are aware of attempts a violent action, such as casting a spell on an unwilling target, or 1d6 rounds pass, whichever comes first.
♦ With approximately 1 hour of conversation, you can convince any number of creatures to join your party, so long as doing so would not put you over your point limit. Those creatures get a Will Save to avoid becoming convinced, and any creatures that save in this way cannot be convinced through your use of this ability until 1 week has passed and you make them believe you have taken a different side.

Chasm Jumper
Paragon Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  None.
♦ You get +3 meters to your jump distance.
♦ Vehicles you Drive or Control Remotely may use your jump distance in combination with their land- or aquatic-surface movement.

Vehicle Twister
Paragon Tier Expertise
Prerequisites  Skidmaster
♦ You get +8 meters to your movement speeds.
♦ When you turn a vehicle using Skidmaster, it gets +1 to AD and GD for 1 round.

Juggernaut Carapace.png
Juggernaut Carapace
Paragon Tier Genomorph
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ The first attack you make each round may be a heavy attack, even if the action you are using specifically disallows heavy attacks.
♦ Whenever you inflict any wounds, you may fling that target 3 meters per wound inflicted in the direction of your choice.
♦ You can move through non-creature obstacles that have less Toughness than you, destroying them in the process. This costs you 2 meters of movement per point of HP the obstacle had.

Chameleon Skin.png
Chameleon Skin
Paragon Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  None.
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You can Disguise your skin color with a Good disguise as a lesser action.
♦ By going naked, you can Disguise yourself to appear to be wearing a particular uniform, with a Decent disguise, as a lesser action.
♦ By going naked, you can focus on keeping yourself camouflaged as a move action to halve the distance at which you can be seen until after you take an action on your next turn.

Paragon Tier Genomorph
Body Part  Legs
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ The sound of your movement or running is audible from only one-quarter as far away.
♦ You get +2 to Agility.
♦ You get +1 Toughness against fall damage.

Bioelectric Generator 2.png
Bioelectric Generator
Paragon Tier Genomorph
Prerequisites  Body Electric
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You gain a TEMPEST sense. While active, you glow like a torch. Activating or deactivating the sense is a lesser action. If you already had this ability, your TEMPEST sense's base range increases by 30 meters.
♦ You gain +1 Power Regeneration and +2 Power Storage.
♦ You gain a Muscle-Damage Shock Bolt weapon, with a range of 20m/40m, that deals 1d6-1 Electricity damage and stuns any creature it wounds for 1 round. Firing the Shock Bolt costs 1 Power per attack. If you already had this ability, its range increases by 30m/60m.
Special: This class may be taken multiple times.

Sonar Adaptation.png
Sonar Adaptation
Paragon Tier Genomorph
Technologies  Genetic Programming
♦ You don’t suffer penalties to hit for uncertain location.
♦ When you Pay Attention, you can emit a sonar pulse audible from up to 200 meters away to hear the shapes of everything in a 90 degree, 30 meter cone.