Wall of prodigal depth

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PurpleGem.png Wall of Prodigal Depth
This thin wall is an incredibly long tunnel on the inside.
[ Bound ]
Target: An open space to which you have line of sight within 60 meters
Effect: You create an extradimensional space that is 100 meters deep, with two parallel 2 by 2 meter square entry points in the targeted open space, back to back. The space is dispelled when this spell is no longer bound.

The Wall of Prodigal Depth has a Volume Ratio of 25.

Unique Boosts: Giant Hole (+2 Tiers): The entry points can be any flat convex shape that does not exceed the bounds of a 40 meter by 40 meter square. The Volume Ratio is divided by the surface area, in meters, and multiplied by 4.