Ugly stick

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Ugly Stick.png
Ugly Stick
Magic Weapon
This is the most hideous staff you've ever seen. Somehow, it looks even worse with a gem in it.
[ Muscle-Damage ]
Value 700 copper
Weight 3 kilograms
Damage: 1d6-1 Physical
Handedness: Ugly Sticks are too awkward to be used effectively in one hand.
Effects: Viridian.png Whenever the Ugly Stick is successfully used to disarm a creature, that creature loses the use of one of its hands.
Viridian.png Whenever the Ugly Stick is successfully used to trip a creature, that creature gets a -15 meter penalty to all movement speeds.
Viridian.png When the Ugly Stick is used to wound with a Heavy Normal Attack, the target loses the abilities to eat, drink, and speak.
A single successful Cut Out attempt made on a creature affected by the Ugly Stick cures all of the above problems, as does 8 hours of rest.
Special: Your reach with an ugly stick is 1 meter farther than it would normally be. It's so poorly made, it gives a -1 penalty to accuracy.