Nanomorph arms

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Nanomorph Arms
Body Part  Arms
Coins 200
Technologies: Coordinated Nanotechnology
Effects: Your reach is doubled.
As a lesser action once per round, you may transform one or both of your arms into one of a number of shapes, or back to normal. Alternate shapes lose the ability to hold things with that arm but gain bonuses in exchange:
Blade: Your unarmed attacks’ base damage increases to 1d6+1 with that arm, and you can make piercing attacks with it.
Shield: You gain cover.
Tentacle: You get +1 to Accuracy with grapple, disarm, and trip attacks, and your reach is doubled again. If you have this hand be the one that's incapacitated in a grapple, you don't get a penalty to attack opponents not in that grapple.
Quadruped: You can transform both arms into additional legs (or fins, or wings) for a +8 boost to all your movement speeds.
Special: Nanomorph Arms only alters two of your arms.