Blitz boots

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Blitz Boots.png
Blitz Boots
Magic Device
These are more like purplish glass slippers, really.
Value 2000 copper
Weight 1 kilogram
Chakra: Foot
Effects: PurpleGem.png As a move action, you may stomp the left boot to mark the ground with a Glyph of Recall. The Glyph lasts until it is cleaned off or the boots are used to make a new Glyph.
PurpleGem.png As a move action, you may stomp the right boot to teleport to the Blitz Boots' Glyph of Recall.
PurpleGem.png As a lesser action, you may stomp randomly to do either of the two above effects. If you fail a DC 6 Agility check, you do the other effect instead.