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The Winds

The winds blow, and contain magic. Windcallers know how to extract the magical energies from the winds, and as a side-effect the winds change for roughly 2 kilometers around. The wind has a speed North-South, and a speed East-West, following normal wind notation where a "North wind" is one blowing from the north. This is real wind, and can affect Sailing and flying creatures.


The magical abilities of windcallers are called "Calls", and each Call has a tier and a direction. In order to use a Call, the wind must have some speed from that direction, or be neutral at 0 meters. The wind accelerates in the other direction depending on the tier of the Call: 10 meters for Common, 20 meters for Elite, 50 meters for Paragon, or 150 meters for Legend.

North wind Calls command chill and

South wind Calls command heat and mirage.

Common Calls

Cold Ray
Common North Call
An icy white beam of energy streaks from your mouth towards the target.
Movements: None.
Use Time: Standard Action
Target: A creature or object you can see within 100 meters
Effect: If you hit the target with an attack against AD, they take 1d6 Cold damage. If this wounds the target they are chilled for 1 round.
Cold Beam: The Call targets all creatures and unattended objects in a 100 meter long, 2 meter wide spray beam from you instead.
Chilling Grasp The Call targets GD instead, and deals no damage, but if it hits, it chills the target for 3 rounds.
Illusory Form
Common South Call
Your appearance distorts and changes.
Movements: None.
Use Time: Standard Action
Target: Yourself.
Effect: You change your appearance and voice to that of a creature the same Size as you as a Good disguise. This lasts for 5 minutes.
Grant Disguise: You can target a creature you can see within 100 meters instead, if you hit them with an attack against GD.
Stable Disguise: Illusory Form lasts for 2 hours instead.

Elite Calls

Paragon Calls

Creature of Light and Flame
Elite South Call
An illusory mirage of yourself appears and pretends to be you, before exploding in a blast of heat.
Movements: None.
Use Time: Standard Action
Target: An empty space you can see within 100 meters.
Effect: You create an illusory double of yourself in the empty space, it looks and sounds like you, wearing illusory equipment versions of anything you're wearing as you use the Call, as a Good disguise, has your AD, GD, Will, Stealth, and Perception, your movement speeds and senses, shares what it senses with you, and acts independently of you as you want it to, although it can't pick up or use items. If the double is hit with any attack or fails any will save, it vanishes into nothingness. If you use this Call again, instead of creating a new Double, the existing one explodes, dealing 1d6+1 Heat damage to all creatures and unattended objects within a 3 meter radius blast that you hit with an attack against AD.
Different Creature: The illusory double can look like a different creature up to twice or as small as half your size, its movement speeds double, and it gains a fly speed equal to its land speed with 0 meter aerobatics.

Legend Calls