
From Gempunks
Revision as of 06:18, 19 June 2014 by Foxwarrior (Talk | contribs) (I suspect Swarm builds are liable to be a bit unsafe without lots of AD)

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Some kinds of bees are attuned enough to Pink energies that their many miniscule souls connect to form a single individual. The oversized queen bee at the heart of the swarm is the locus for these Pink energies, and no bee in the swarm can travel more than a meter from it. The bees typically stay touching one another, using their links to share muscle power.

Any given swarm of such bees has a particular pair of stripe colors, but no two swarms have quite the same pair of colors.

Base Stats
Swarm (Creature Form)
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 3
Accuracy  0     Save DC 6
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  10 meter land with 4 meter jump.
Size  1 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 30-45 Kilograms

Swarm (Cloud Form)
Common   —   3 points
AD  5     GD 5     Will 0     HP  1     Toughness 3
Accuracy  0     Save DC 6
Stealth 0     Perception 0     Agility {{{agility}}}
Descriptors  [ Blooded ], [ Bony ], [ Living ]
Movement  10 meter fly with 4 meter aerobatics.
Size  2 meter     Reach 1 meter
Weight 30-45 Kilograms

Switching between Creature Form and Cloud Form is a move action.

The expendable nature of most of the bees in the Swarm reduces any damage taken by 1.

While in Cloud Form, single-target attacks against the Swarm may take a -2 penalty to the attack roll in order to deal +4 Damage, by targeting the queen bee precisely. Also while in Cloud Form, the Swarm can squeeze through spaces as small as 1 centimeter wide.

When the Swarm inflicts a wound using an unarmed attack, it may inflict a wound on itself to inflict another wound on the victim, by having its members sting them.

Swarms are somewhat attuned with Pink energies to the point that a predominance of other colors can impair their motions. If they have more non-Pink gems implanted than Pink ones, they move at half speed.