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Revision as of 04:02, 14 March 2015


盲目: 見ることが出来ないゆえ、視力によってクリーチャーを発見することが出来ない。立ちすくむ

重負荷: 運動速及び跳躍距離が半分になる。曲技量は2倍になる。[機敏さ]]が4点下がる。

過負荷: 運動することが出来ない。ラウンド毎に疲労によって軽微操作を一つ費やさねばならない。

格闘中: 負荷容量に関して、自分と一緒に格闘中のキャラクターを自分が持っている荷物として数える。格闘中のキャラクターが一緒に格闘中でないキャラクターを対象にして攻撃を振ると、一点ペナルティーをこうむる。身体的要素を必要とする呪文は使えない。手があれば、片手が使えなくなる。同じ格闘中のクリーチャーならば、手の届く距離よりも遠い場所にあっても近接攻撃で打つことが出来る。

Dragon rider fight.jpg

乗っている: 自分が乗っているクリーチャーは自分に乗られている。クリーチャーを離れたら乗っていないくなる。格闘中になったらと乗っていなくなる。

乗られている: 負荷容量に関して、自分を乗っているクリーチャーを自分が持っている荷物として数える。自分を乗っているクリーチャーを同時に自分から乗ることが出来ない。

Paralyzed: You can't take actions other than mental actions. You are stationary.

Prone: You suffer a penalty of 1 on attack rolls with melee weapons, and get cover against ranged attacks. You can only move at quarter speed. You can stop being prone by taking the stand up action. Flying creatures cannot be prone; if an airborne creature would become prone, its current movement direction changes to be directly downwards. Swimming creatures are also incapable of being prone, and sink a distance equal to their size instead.

Disoriented: You get -2 to Perception, Stealth, and Agility. You cannot Run.

Stunned: You can’t take actions, including mental actions. You drop everything you’re holding. You are stationary.

Injured: You get -1 to accuracy and -2 to agility. Once you have been granted this condition, you cannot get rid of it until you've had 8 hours of rest or an effect explicitly cures it for you.

Unconscious: You can’t take actions, including mental actions. You drop everything you’re holding and fall prone. You are stationary. Once you have been granted this condition, you cannot get rid of it until you've had 1 hour of rest since the most recent time you've been knocked unconscious, or an effect explicitly cures it for you.

Dead: You suffer all the effects of unconsciousness, and any spells you have Bound are released. You can only be cured of this condition by effects that explicitly cure death. Reducing a dead creature to -4 or less HP damages it enough that it is no longer a valid target for reanimation of any sort until repairs worth an amount of copper equal to its point value are applied to it.

Asleep: You are unconscious and blind. You get -12 to Agility and -4 to Perception. Any time you notice something happen, you can choose to wake up at the beginning of your next turn.

Shriveled: All of your movement speeds decrease by 5 meters, and you get -1 Toughness.

Squeezed: You get -1 to Accuracy, AD, and GD while squeezed.

Tired: You get -1 to AD, GD, Will Saves, and Save DC, and -4 to Agility. You skip a minor action each round.

On Fire: At the end of your turn, you suffer 1d6-1 Heat damage. If this does not inflict any wounds, the damage on later rounds gets a cumulative +1 increase, which resets when a wound is finally inflicted. When a wound is inflicted, flames leap from you, making an attack at +0 versus AD against each other flammable object or creature in your space; targets hit are lit on fire. Anyone can Stop Drop and Roll to put out flames. The condition can also be cured by submersion in water or some other airless environment. A creature that is immune to Heat damage cannot be lit on fire.

Being set on fire is frightening 5.

Chilled: Skip a move action on each of your turns. Creatures that attempt to walk on you must succeed on a DC 10 Agility check or fall Prone. If a creature or object is both Chilled and On Fire, it stops being either. A creature that is immune to Cold damage cannot be chilled.