Poison and disease

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Multiple instances of a poison or disease cannot affect a creature during the same day.


Repeat Time

Every poison or disease has a repeat time: every time that interval comes up, the victim must make another save against it or suffer the repeat effect.

Cure Difficulty

When the victim successfully saves against the repeat a number of times consecutively equal to the Cure Difficulty, they are cured.

Usage DC

In order to apply this poison or disease to an item or food, you must succeed on an Items check with this DC. If you fail, you must save against it.


Demonsblood: Refined from the sap of the Demon Tree, this odorless, foul-tasting poison is quite unpleasant when ingested or inserted into the bloodstream.

Save DC: Fortitude 8.
Delay: It acts immediately if applied to a wound, or after a minute when ingested.
Initial Effect: When it acts, the victim must save against it or turn red as their skin hardens and falls off, reducing their Toughness by 1 for 1d10 days.
Repeat: Every round, the victim must save again or suffer a hit that deals 1d6 Poison damage and reduces Toughness by 1 point for every wound it inflicts. The Toughness reduction ends when the initial Toughness reduction does.
Cure Difficulty: 1
Usage DC: 5
Weight/Price: A 0.002 kilogram dose is worth 500 copper.

Dream's Cape: Refined from the spores of Ether Morels, this fine smelling, lightly delicious poison is very relaxing. It can be ingested or inserted directly into the bloodstream.

Save DC: Fortitude 5.
Delay: It acts 1d6 hours after applied.
Initial Effect: The victim becomes dreamy and pliant, getting a -2 penalty to Will Saves. If anyone asks them nicely to do something (Diplomacy DC 8), they do it without complaint.
Repeat: Every hour, the victim may save to recover.
Cure Difficulty: 2
Usage DC: 7
Weight/Price: A 0.001 kilogram dose is worth 200 copper.

Rage Gas: Created by chemically reacting certain minerals, this gas smells unpleasant, yet satisfying.

Save DC: Fortitude 10.
Delay: It acts immediately when inhaled.
Initial Effect: The victim becomes possessed with rage, and Frenzies as though all other creatures were the source of its fear.
Repeat: Every round, the victim must save again or get a +1 bonus to Perception for so long as it suffers from Rage Gas.
Cure Difficulty: 3
Usage DC: 15
Weight/Price: A 1 kilogram dose is worth 3000 copper, and fills all in a 5 meter blast for 3 rounds.

Flammability Extract: This clear fluid is refined from a black ooze that seeps out of the ground. It stinks and tastes terrible.

Save DC: Fortitude 7.
Delay: It acts immediately when inserted, or after 1d6 hours when ingested.
Initial Effect: The victim becomes extremely flammable for as long as they suffer from this poison, taking +2 damage from the on fire condition.
Repeat: Every 1d6 minutes, the victim catches on fire.
Cure Difficulty: 1
Usage DC: 5
Weight/Price: A 0.01 kilogram dose is worth 200 copper.


Soulpox: This dreadful disease inflames your very soul.

Save DC: Will 5
Delay: It acts 1d10 days after infection.
Initial Effect: The victim becomes contagious, risking infection for any creature that passes within 3 meters that it is aware of. While suffering from this disease, the victim cannot gain levels.
Repeat: Every day, the victim must save again or lose one class level or ability of its choice. This may reduce its tier, and does reduce its point cost. If the victim has no class levels or abilities, it dies, and its soul is utterly destroyed.
Cure Difficulty: 2
Weight/Price: As weightless as the soul itself.

Bonewater: This is a white pus, which seems to crack as it flows.

Save DC: Fortitude 7
Delay: It acts 1d10 hours after infection.
Initial Effect: The victim's bones become soft, reducing AD, Strongman, and Acrobatics by 1.
Repeat: Every day, the victim must save again or get another -1 to AD, GD, and all skill checks. If either AD or GD are reduced to 0 (before armor or other external bonuses), their bones are fully liquid, killing them and oozing out of their orifices. Touching this liquid risks infection. The penalty decreases by 1 per hour once cured.
Cure Difficulty: 2
Usage DC: 12
Weight/Price: A 0.001 kilogram dose is sufficient to infect someone, and can be mail ordered from infected lands for no more than 2000 copper.