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Self Portrait
Psychic Device
This is a painting, which tends to be uglier than its subject.
Psychic Crafting Requirements Psi Strength 16 meters and Projection
Value 800 copper
Weight 2 kilograms
Effects: The Self-Portrait is created with 5 vitality points. When it has run out of points, it is destroyed and the creator takes 1 wound. The painting regenerates one vitality point every 12 hours.
When the creator would fail a save against a poison or disease, instead the Self-Portrait loses 1 vitality point.
When the creator would suffer from wounds from Suffocation or Dehydration, instead the Self-Portrait loses 2 vitality points per wound.
When the creator would suffer from Toughness penalties, instead the Self-Portrait loses 2 vitality points per point of penalty, and its maximum number of vitality points decreases by 2 per point of penalty for the duration of the penalty.
Special: If there are multiple Self-Portraits of the creator, each has its own set of vitality points, but wound/toughness loss only triggers for the painting with the highest current Vitality.