Shark knife

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Shark Knife.png
Shark Knife
A compressed air cartridge in the handle is connected to an injection mechanism in this knife.
[ Muscle-Damage ], [ Thrown ]
Coins 20
Weight 0.25 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6 Physical
Reload Time: Move Action
Ammunition: A 1 attack cartridge weighs 0.25 kilograms.
Handedness: The Shark Knife can only be used one-handed.
Effects: The Shark Knife does not require ammo to use, but if you hit a target with a Piercing attack and do enough damage to pass any armor or cover in the way, you may expend the Shark Knife's ammuntion to deal another 1d6 Cold damage directly to the target.
Special: Shark knives may be used as Piercing weapons.