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==== Gadgets ====
==== Gadgets ====

Revision as of 01:55, 6 October 2013

This is the Cybergems version of Arms and Armor. SMW::off



Assault Rifle
[ Semiautomatic ], [ Piercing ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 10
Weight 3 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+1 Physical
Range: 60m/200m/1000m
Reload Time: Standard action to replace the clip.
Ammunition: A clip is good for 15 attacks, and weighs 1 kilogram.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.

[ Semiautomatic ], [ Piercing ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 5
Weight 1 Kilogram
Damage: 1d6 Physical
Range: 40m/80m/200m
Reload Time: Standard action to replace the clip.
Ammunition: A clip is good for 9 attacks, and weighs 0.5 Kilograms.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.

[ Automatic ], [ Piercing ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 60
Weight 8 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+1 Physical
Range: 60m/200m/1000m
Reload Time: Standard action to replace the clip.
Ammunition: A clip is good for 30 attacks, and weighs 5 Kilograms.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.

Sniper rifle.png
Sniper Rifle
[ Heavy ], [ Piercing ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 10
Weight 4 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+3 Physical
Range: 120m/400m/2000m
Reload Time: Standard action to replace the clip.
Ammunition: A clip is good for 10 attacks, and weighs 3 Kilograms.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.


[ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 10
Weight 3 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+1 Physical
Range: 60m/100m
Reload Time: Standard action to replace the clip.
Ammunition: A clip is good for 6 attacks, and weighs 1 Kilogram.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.
Effects: The Shotgun deals +1 damage to targets within 10 meters, and another +1 damage to targets within 2 meters.
Grenade Launcher
[ Loud 300 meters ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 60
Weight 3 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6-1 Physical
Range: 40m/100m/300m
Reload Time: Standard action.
Ammunition: The grenade launcher can be loaded with up to six of any types of grenade.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.
Effects: The grenade does its normal effect, using the Grenade Launcher's range.
Special: The Grenade Launcher fires arcing projectiles, allowing you to fire over obstacles; the grenades miss as far as when thrown.

Thermal Detonator.png
Thermal Detonator
[ Heavy ], [ Grenade ], [ Loud 2000 meters ]
Coins 2
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Range: 5m/15m
Handedness: Can only be used one-handed.
Effects: One round after it is thrown, the Thermal Detonator detonates, dealing one 1d6+2 Heat damage hit to all targets in a 20 meter blast, and another hit to targets in a 10 meter blast.

Explosive Grenade.png
Explosive Grenade
[ Heavy ], [ Grenade ], [ Loud ]
Coins 2
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Range: 5m/15m
Handedness: Can only be used one-handed.
Effects: After it is thrown, the Explosive Grenade detonates, dealing one 1d6 Physical damage hit to all targets in a 6 meter blast. Creatures in the blast when it is thrown may take an immediate action to attempt a DC 8 Agility check; if successful, the creature may move one-quarter of one of its non-Run speeds.

[ Heavy ], [ Grenade ], [ Loud 2000 meters ]
Coins 2
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Range: 5m/15m
Handedness: Can only be used one-handed.
Effects: After it is thrown, the Flashbang detonates, dealing one 1d6+2 Light damage hit to all targets in a 10 meter blast, and another hit to targets in a 5 meter blast. Instead of wounding, the Flashbang blinds and deafens for 1 round per wound it would have inflicted. Creatures in the blast when it is thrown may take an immediate action to attempt a DC 8 Agility check; if successful, the creature may move one-quarter of one of its non-Run speeds.

EM Grenade.png
EM Grenade
[ Heavy ], [ Grenade ], [ Loud 300 meters ]
Coins 2
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Range: 5m/15m
Handedness: Can only be used one-handed.
Effects: After it is thrown, the EM Grenade detonates, dealing one 1d6+2 Electricity damage hit to all targets in a 10 meter blast, and another hit to targets in a 5 meter blast. Instead of wounding, it blocks the TEMPEST sense for 1 round and drains half of the target's Power per wound it would have inflicted. Creatures in the blast when it is thrown may take an immediate action to attempt a DC 8 Agility check; if successful, the creature may move one-quarter of one of its non-Run speeds.

Razor Grenade.png
Razor Grenade
[ Heavy ], [ Grenade ]
Coins 2
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Range: 5m/15m
Handedness: Can only be used one-handed.
Effects: After it is thrown, the Razor Grenade detonates, filling a 5 meter blast with razor-sharp nanobots for 3 rounds. Any creature that begins its turn in the area takes 1d6+1 points of Physical damage. Creatures in the blast when it is thrown may take an immediate action to attempt a DC 8 Agility check; if successful, the creature may move one-quarter of one of its non-Run speeds.

[ Heavy ], [ Grenade ], [ Loud ]
Coins 2
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Range: 5m/15m
Handedness: Can only be used one-handed.
Effects: After it is thrown, the Gunnade fires at a target of your choice, using an Accuracy equal to your own. It deals 1d6 Physical damage and has a range of 10m/40m/80m.

Rocket launcher.png
Missile Launcher
[ Heavy ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 80
Weight 4 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+5 Physical
Range: 60m/200m/1000m/20000m
Reload Time: Standard action.
Ammunition: A missile weighs 4 Kilograms and is worth 10 coins.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.
Effects: The missile detonates on collision.
Missiles fired travel at a rate of 12500 meters per round, altering course to continue directly towards the originally specified target as necessary.
Warhead: 2 Kilograms

Nuke Cannon.png
Nuke Cannon
[ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 200
Weight 8 Kilograms
Technologies: Miniaturized Fission
Damage: 1d6+2 Heat
Range: 80m/400m/1000m
Reload Time: Standard action
Ammunition: A miniature nuke weighs 4 Kilograms and is worth 0.5 points.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.
Effects: The nuke attacks all targets in a 25 meter radius blast.
Special: The Nuke Cannon fires arcing projectiles, allowing you to fire over obstacles.

Flame thrower.png
[ Heavy ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 40
Weight 6 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+1 Heat
Reload Time: Standard action.
Ammunition: A 1 attack fuel bottle weighs 4 Kilograms
Handedness: The Flamethrower can be wielded in one or two hands.
Effects: Targets wounded by the Flamethrower are lit on fire.
Special: The Flamethrower attacks all creatures and unattended objects in a 30 meter, 30 degree conical blast. It can alternatively be used to attack all creatures and unattended objects in an 80 meter long, 2 meter wide blast line.

Laser pistol.png

Laser Pistol
[ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 20
Weight 1 Kilogram
Damage: 1d6+1 Light
Range: 30m/60m/Unlimited
Reload Time: The capacitor takes 1 round and 1 power to recharge.
Ammunition: The capacitor is good for 1 attack before recharging.
Handedness: Recharging takes no action.
Effects: The Laser Pistol gets -1 Damage for every 5000 meters of distance to the target through transparent gases of 0.5 Atmospheres or more.

Laser Chaingun.png
Laser Chaingun
[ Automatic ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 60
Weight 8 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+1 Light
Range: 40m/100m/Unlimited
Ammunition: The Laser Chaingun takes 1 power on any round in which it is fired, plus an additional power equal to its Charge.
Handedness: Firing can be done in one or two hands.
Effects: Each round in which it is fired, the Laser Chaingun's Charge increases by 1. At the beginning of its wielder's turn, it may take a number of additional attacks equal to its Charge. If it is not fired for a round, its Charge decreases to 0 again.
The Laser Chaingun gets -1 Damage for every 5000 meters of distance to the target through transparent gases of 0.5 Atmospheres or more.

Plasma Rifle.png
Plasma Rifle
[ Heavy ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 10
Weight 3 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+3 Heat
Range: 50m/120m
Reload Time: Standard action to replace the clip.
Ammunition: A clip is good for 3 attacks, and weighs 2 Kilograms.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.
Effects: Targets hit by the Plasma Rifle are lit on fire.

Explosive Device
[ Loud 2000 meters ]
Coins 10
Weight 2.5 kilograms
Handedness: Can only be used one-handed.
Effects: The Explosive Device has a wireless connection, which may be activated or deactivated as a standard action. If it's armed, the creature must have a password or Hack the device in order to change the wireless without detonating the explosive.
The Explosive Device has a Hackability Score of 4, and detonates when it detects a hacking attempt.
Warhead: 2 Kilograms
Special: Placing the Explosive Device is a heavy attack. When placed, you may choose the detonation method: It has a built-in computer, set to work as a trap Computer.

Radioplastic Explosives.png
Radioplastic Explosives
[ Loud 3000 meters ]
Coins 60
Weight 4 kilograms
Technologies: Miniaturized Fission
Handedness: Can only be used one-handed.
Effects: When it detonates, it deals one 1d6+5 Heat damage hit to all creatures and unattended objects in a 12 meter blast, and another hit to creatures and unattended objects in a 6 meter blast. If it was properly shaped to the object it was attached to (a standard action), it gets +4 damage against that object.
The Radioplastic Explosive has a wireless connection, which may be activated or deactivated as a standard action. If it's armed, the creature must have a password or Hack the device in order to change the wireless without detonating the explosive.
The Radioplastic Explosive has a Hackability Score of 4, and detonates when it detects a hacking attempt.
Special: Placing the Radioplastic Explosive is a heavy attack. When placed, you may choose the detonation method: It has a built-in computer, set to work as a trap Computer.

Grapnel Gun.png
Grapnel Gun
[ Heavy ], [ Self-Retracting Rope 30 meters ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 40
Weight 5 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6 Physical
Range: 10m/20m/30m
Reload Time: None needed.
Handedness: Firing can be done in one or two hands.
Special: The Grapnel Gun's rope is 30 meters long.

This particular tazing device also has advanced hacking support, of course.
Coins 40
Weight 1 Kilogram
Damage: 1d6 Electricity
Handedness: The Tazer can only be wielded in one hand.
Effects: If you successfully hit a target with the Tazer, the prongs from the Tazer are stuck into them until someone within reach takes a move action to remove the prongs. While its prongs are stuck in a target with augments, the Tazer can be used to hack them. When stuck in any target, the Tazer cannot be carried away from the target or used to attack another target without first removing the prongs, and attacks with the Tazer against the current target hit automatically.
If you successfully wound a target with the Tazer, they are stunned for 1 round.
The Tazer has both wired and wireless connections. The wireless can be turned on or off as a standard action.
Special: The Tazer cannot reduce a target below 0 HP, except on a critical hit. The Tazer cannot be used more than once per round.

Animate Whip
[ Muscle-Damage ]
Coins 20
Weight 1 Kilogram
Damage: 1d6 Physical
Handedness: The Animate Whip can be wielded in one hand, or two hands for +1 Damage.
Effects: The Animate Whip can be used to grapple. It can be commanded to Tie Up with or without the owner holding it, and does so with a +3 Attack roll and a +6 Items check.
Special: The Animate Whip increases the wielder's reach by 1 meter.

Stealth knife.png
Stealth Knife
An interesting blend of paralytic toxins and electricity perfectly complements the sharpness of the blade.
[ Muscle-Damage ], [ Thrown ]
Coins 10
Weight 1/3 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6 Physical
Handedness: The Stealth Knife can only be used one-handed.
Effects: A creature wounded by the Stealth Knife cannot speak for 1 round. Additional wounds during this time add 1 round to the duration each.
Special: Stealth knives may be used as Piercing weapons.

Baseball Bat.png
Baseball Bat
This stick is light, hard, and balanced. Perfect for hitting things.
[ Muscle-Damage ]
Coins 0
Weight 2 kilograms
Damage: 1d6 Physical
Handedness: Baseball bats can be wielded in one hand, or two hands for +1 Damage.

This device is an external spine attachment
Coins 20
Weight 2 kilograms
Damage: 1d6+1 Electricity
Handedness: Spinejammers can only be wielded in one hand.
Effects: On a successful wound, the spinejammer is attached to the target. While attached to a target, that target is paralyzed.
Detaching the spinejammer from a creature within reach is a standard AND move action.
Special: The Spinejammer targets GD at a -2 penalty instead of AD.

Extremely Massive Weapons

[ Heavy ], [ Loud 2000 meters ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 900
Weight 2000 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+5 Physical
Demolition: 6
Range: 60m/500m/15000m
Incremental Reload: 15 Kilograms
Ammunition: A shell weighs 15 Kilograms and is worth 40 coins.
Handedness: Reloading takes two hands.
Effects: After the cannon strikes, it detonates.
Shells fired travel at a rate of 6000 meters per round.
Warhead: 8 Kilograms

Laser Cannon.png
Laser Cannon
[ Heavy ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 700
Weight 1500 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+5 Light
Demolition: 2
Range: 50m/250m/Unlimited
Ammunition: Each attack costs 4 power, plus an additional power equal to its Charge.
Handedness: Reloading uses no hands.
Effects: The Laser Cannon attacks all targets in a one meter wide beam-shaped spray.
Each round in which it is fired, the Laser Cannon's Charge increases by either 1 or 2, your choice. It deals additional damage equal to its Charge. If it is not fired for a round, its Charge decreases to 0 again.
The Laser Cannon gets -1 Damage for every 5000 meters of distance to the target through transparent gases of 0.5 Atmospheres or more.

Plasma Cannon
[ Heavy ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 1500
Weight 2000 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+4 Heat
Demolition: 2
Range: 80m/180m
Incremental Reload: 50 kilograms
Ammunition: A plasma cartridge weighs 50 Kilograms.
Handedness: Reloading uses two hands.
Effects: The plasma cannon attacks all creatures and unattended objects in a 30 meter radius blast. It lights targets it hits on fire.
Supersize: Supercooling: The plasma cannon is no longer Heavy, and it deals +1 damage.

[ Automatic ], [ Piercing ], [ Loud ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 150
Weight 200 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+2 Physical
Range: 40m/250m/2500m
Reload Time: Standard Action
Ammunition: An ammo belt can be good for any number of attacks, but weighs 5 Kilograms per attack, and 1 Kilogram per attack when empty.
Handedness: Reloading takes two hands.

Missile battery

[ Heavy ], [ Loud 30000 meters ]
Coins 12000
Weight 350 Kilograms
Damage: 1d6+34 Heat
Demolition: 15
Handedness: Arming and dropping the nuke can be done one-handed.
Effects: The nuke attacks all targets in a 25000 meter radius blast, using an accuracy of +1. Creatures take 1 less damage for every 400 meters away they are from the blast center. Missed creatures still take 1d6+26 Heat damage, before reduction for distance.
The first 1000 meters of the blast radius becomes dangerously radioactive for 1 hour, with 15 fewer minutes for every 1000 additional meters. While dangerously radioactive, creatures and objects in the area take 1d6-1 Light damage per round. After the time has passed, the radiation dies down to levels that are only significantly harmful with much longer exposures.
The nuke can be set with a timer, delaying its explosion by a specified number of rounds. The timer can be changed or canceled with a wired connection and a DC 4 Hacking check.
Special: The Nuke is extremely illegal, and the usage of a Nuke will usually result in attack by the most major militaries around.

Weapon Attachments

Weapon Attachment
Coins 10
Weight 0.5 Kilograms
Effects: The weapon's loud sound only travels one-tenth as far, but it gets a -1 penalty to damage.
Special: The Silencer can only be applied to a Piercing Loud Trigger Grip weapon.

Weapon Attachment
This is essentially a force feedback device with a camera and an impressive processing suite. Immediately before a bullet is fired, it lurches to aim at a target.
Coins 50
Weight 0.5 Kilograms
Technologies: Advanced AI
Effects: The attached weapon attacks with an Accuracy of 3.
The attached weapon cannot be used to attack allies of its owner. Reprogramming it for a different definition of owner has a Hacking difficulty of 3.
Special: The Aimbot can only be applied to a ranged weapon.

Weapon Attachment
This is an exceptionally stable telescoping tripod.
Coins 0
Weight 0.5 Kilogram
Effects: The weapon can be placed carefully as a standard action on an immobile object to let you wield it an additional time without penalty.
When you Aim with a placed stand, the attack gets another +1 to Accuracy.
Special: The Stand can only be applied to a ranged weapon.

Remote Stand
Weapon Attachment
Coins 100
Weight 1 Kilogram
Effects: The weapon can be placed carefully as a standard action, and used wirelessly to attack from its location by its current owner.
Special: The Remote Stand can only be applied to a ranged weapon.

Laser Sight.png
Laser Sight
Weapon Attachment
Coins 0
Weight 0.5 Kilograms
Effects: The laser dot can be seen at wherever you are attacking or aiming from up to 100 meters away, but you ignore up to 2 points of attack penalties for cover (including total cover) and distance.
Turning on or off the laser sight is a move action.
Special: The Laser Sight can only be applied to a ranged weapon.

Grenade launcher underbarrel.png

Grenade Underbarrel
Weapon Attachment
[ Loud 300 meters ], [ Trigger Grip ]
Coins 30
Weight 1 Kilogram
Damage: 1d6-1 Physical
Range: 30m/80m
Reload Time: Standard action.
Ammunition: The grenade launcher can be loaded with one of any type of grenade.
Handedness: Reloading requires two hands.
Effects: The grenade does its normal effect, using the Grenade Underbarrel's range.
Special: The Grenade Underbarrel fires arcing projectiles, allowing you to fire over obstacles; the grenades miss twice as far as when thrown. Despite being a weapon attachment, it does not modify the functions of the original weapon.


Only one suit of armor can be effectively worn at a time.

Adaptive Camo
Coins 20
Weight 8 Kilograms
-1 AD
Effects: While active, you can only be seen from a quarter the normal distance, but can be detected with TEMPEST from 4 times the normal distance.

Adaptive Camo can be activated or deactivated as a lesser action.

Special: Adaptive Camo counts as an obstacle for firing through, or total cover, attacker's choice. Its AD is the same as its wearer's, and it has 1 HP and 5 Toughness.

Fibrous Vest
Coins 10
Weight 10 Kilograms
-1 AD
Special: A fibrous vest counts as an obstacle for firing through, or total cover, attacker's choice. Its AD is the same as its wearer's, and it has 1 HP and 5 Toughness.

Power Armor.png
Power Armor
Coins 200
Weight 60 Kilograms
Technologies: Miniaturized Fission
+1 GD, -1 AD, -2 Stealth, -4 Agility, -4 Legerdemain
Effects: While active, your Muscle is set to 4 if it was lower, but the Power Armor drains 2 Power per round. Activating or deactivating the Power Armor is a move action. For Power Armor built for larger creatures than 1 meter, the Power Armor gives another +2 Muscle and drains another 1 Power per round for each doubling in size; for Power Armor built for creatures smaller than 1 meter, it gives -2 Muscle and drains 1 less Power per round (minimum 1 Power per round) for each halving in size.
You get +2 Power Regeneration.
Special: Power armor counts as an obstacle for firing through, or total cover, attacker's choice. Its AD is the same as its wearer's, and it has 2 HP and 7 Toughness.

Riot Shield.png
Riot Shield
Coins 10
Weight 8 Kilograms
Handedness: The riot shield only functions properly when wielded in one hand.
Special: You have total cover. When you use a standard action to do something other than Cower, Assault, Ranged Guard, or Melee Guard, the riot shield stops granting you total cover until the beginning of your next turn, and only grants you cover instead.

When a creature would hit you with a melee attack, you may inflict one wound on the riot shield to take one less wound from the attack.

Holding a riot shield gives you -1 to Visual Perception and -1 to Accuracy.


Personal Computer.png
Personal Computer
Personal computers come in all sorts of forms: glasses, handheld projectors, wrist-mounted, and more.
Coins 1
Weight 0.5 Kilograms each
Effects: The Personal Computer can be used for hacking. Its wireless can be turned on or off as a standard action.
It has camera and microphone which can be used for visual and auditory perception by connected creatures. The camera and microphone are not as high quality as proper sensory organs, and can only see and hear half as far.
The Personal Computer can run programs.

Signal Jammer
Coins 30
Weight 1 Kilogram
Effects: While active, the Signal Jammer blocks all devices and creatures from connecting wirelessly within 50 meters. It can be turned on or off as a standard action. This can be detected by TEMPEST from 500 meters away.

This is a complex suite of scanning devices.
Coins 200
Weight 10 Kilograms
Effects: As a move action, this item may be deployed on the ground. At the beginning of its turn, it reports a complete description of the area within 30 meters of itself, as it was one round previous. The Scanner does not function if it was moved during that time. The scanner's description is accurate to within 1 centimeter, allowing users to discern rough chemical composition, temperature, and electrical charge.

Counterstrike Device.png
CounterStrike Device
The CounterStrike Device blindly makes hacking attempts against those that connect to it.
Coins 150
Weight 0.5 kilograms
Effects: The CounterStrike Device should be plugged directly into another device's network connection point. When anyone attempts to hack the device, the CounterStrike Device makes a hacking attack back at them, using a Hacking Bonus of +4. The hacking attack it attempts is chosen in advance, and may be changed by a controller as a standard action.
Special: The CounterStrike Device's Hackability Score is 6.

This thing's capacity is measured in zettabytes.
Coins 20
Weight 25 Kilograms
Effects: The database can store an essentially unlimited quantity of text, audio, video, and other data.
The database's wireless can be turned on or off as a standard action.

Power Adapter.png
Power Adapter
Coins 0
Weight 0.5 Kilograms each
Effects: When plugged into two sources that use or have power, either one may spend up to two points of the other's power each round.
Special: Trying to drain more than 100 power total from a given city district during a single round typically results in the circuit breaker cutting off power to that district.

Power Cell.png
Power Cell
Coins 10
Weight 3 Kilograms
Effects: The power cell provides 3 Power Storage.

TEMPEST Detector
Coins 150
Weight 400 Kilograms
Effects: The TEMPEST Detector provides a TEMPEST sense from its location for anyone close enough to see its display or connected to it.
The TEMPEST Detector's wireless can be turned on or off as a standard action.

Coins 0
Weight 1 Kilogram
Effects: By speaking into the megaphone while holding it, you may have your voice heard from up to 1 kilometer away. By spending 1 power, you may increase that to 2 kilometers.

Organ Generator.png
Organ Generator
Coins 50
Weight 10 Kilograms
Technologies: Bioprinting
Handedness: The organ generator may be used one-handed.
Effects: With one round of concentration you may make an attack against AD against a target within reach. If you hit, they are healed for 1 HP.
With 5 minutes of production, you can add or remove a Genomorph from a touched creature, if doing so would result in a legal character.

This is a massive printing structure, with clear cylindrical tubes filled with various types of cell. It has hundreds of rapidly moving print heads.
Coins 300
Weight 3000 Kilograms
Technologies: Bioprinting
Effects: The Duplicator can create creatures without Augments or gear at a rate of 50 points or 300 kilograms per round, whichever is less, but only if doing so would not go over your point limit. It can only create creatures for whom it has a Printing Template.
The Duplicator can only have three active Printing Templates at a time. Changing out one Printing Template for another takes 1 hour.
Special: Printing Templates are created by completely disassembling an original creature. Flaws in the process frequently result in psychological problems in all created creatures.


Expends all of the body's resources in a minute.
Coins 10
Weight 0.1 Kilograms
Effects: Injecting Hemo-Rage makes a +2 attack against GD against the victim. If hit, they get 1 additional Attack and +10 meters to movement speeds, but lose 1 HP at the end of each of their turns. This lasts until they die.

Coins 10
Weight 0.1 Kilograms
Effects: Injecting Oculon makes a +2 attack against GD against the victim. If hit, they get +1 Perception for 1 round, and then -1 Perception for the following 9 rounds.
