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Revision as of 07:32, 20 December 2014

Strongman Statistic: Instead of providing a quadratic amount of carrying capacity, Strongman starts at 0, things that used to multiply or divide carrying capacity add or subtract from Strongman, and the amount of carrying capacity a creature has is 10 kg for 0 Strongman, 16 kg for 1 Strongman, double that for every +2 Strongman, and half that for every -2 Strongman.

Reloading: Some weapons have a Draw Strength: it can only be reloaded by a creature with at least that much Strongman, unless it is also an Incremental Draw weapon. For an Incremental Draw Weapon, creatures with less Strongman can reload it using more actions; twice as many actions for every 2 points of Strongman fewer than the required amount.

One-Handing Big Weapons: Some weapons are listed as "too awkward to use in one hand" out of respect for their mass rather than their shape, and there are the guns with the penalty for using them one-handed. Instead of those things, the weapons get a Strength Rating: A creature with that much Strongman is strong enough to wield the weapon in one hand at a -4 penalty, and for every 2 points of Strongman they have more than that, the penalty decreases by 1.