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(I suggest this page also be used for any other really complex math Foxwarrior comes up with)
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Revision as of 22:37, 1 March 2014

Shooting through Objects

For checking if your character can reasonably be expected to hit an enemy on the other side of something

Calculate the most damage your character could be expected to deal. If you have 2-4 attacks, use the damage for a single crit. If your character has more, or is using sniper a double crit becomes more reasonable. Once you have the most damage, compare the amount of damage required to destroy the object (HP * Toughness) with the Effective Material Damage in the chart below. If the EMD is higher by even a small amount, then it is likely that your character can severely wound if not kill the target.

For checking the results of an attack

Find the EMD for your attack and subtract the effective damage required for the object (HP * Toughness). Then, take the subtracted result and find which EMD values of the matching category that the subtracted result lies between. The lower EMD value indicates the amount of real damage dealt to the target.

Effective Material Damage

Real damage Normal Piercing
1 1 4
2 2 8
3 3 12
4 4 16
5 5 20
6 7 28
7 9 36
8 11 44
9 13 52
10 15 60
11 17 68
12 21 84
13 25 100
14 29 116
15 33 132
16 37 148
17 41 164
18 49 196
19 57 228
20 65 260
21 73 292
22 81 324
23 89 356
24 105 420
25 121 484
26 137 548
27 153 612
28 169 676
29 185 740
30 217 868
31 249 996
32 281 1124
33 313 1252
34 345 1380
35 377 1508
36 441 1764
37 505 2020
38 569 2276
39 633 2532
40 697 2788
41 761 3044
42 889 3556
43 1097 4068
44 1225 4580
45 1353 5092
46 1481 5604
47 1609 6116
48 1865 7140
49 2121 8164
50 2377 9188
51 2633 10212
52 2881 11236
53 3145 12260
54 3657 14308
55 4169 16356
56 4681 18404
57 5193 20452
58 5705 22500
59 6217 24548
60 7241 28644
61 8265 32740
62 9289 36836
63 10313 40932
64 11337 45028
65 12361 49124
66 14409 57316
67 16457 65508
68 18505 73700
69 20553 81892
70 22601 90084
71 24649 98276